‘It is a hazard to both democracy and public health when a kind of religious faith in authoritative pronouncements supplants disciplined observation, rigorous proofs, and reproducible results as the source of “truth” in the medical field.’ — *Robert F Kennedy Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
‘The contaminated blood scandals of the late 80s and early 90s involved a series of errors in several Western countries by various medical authorities who failed to screen properly blood donations for HIV infections. The universal methods of the medical profession produced the same approach in each country. This involved errors which…were rigourously denied which led to further damage being done to uninformed patients [and which] led eventually to public inquiries which ought to have been extremely damaging to the medical profession and cause them to rethink their general approach to communication and error…[my emphasis]
Instead they went into an emergency state of denial and were able to muddy the waters enough to limit the damage to unfocused outrage. The denials or lies were exactly the same in Canada, England, France, Germany, and the United States. [Author Note: Australia as well.] The desperation to be seen to be right in all cases was more important than the lives of patients. This mania for denial has marked [public health] policies…ever since, constituting an assertion that expertise and the corporatist structure are more important than reality’. — John Ralston Saul, Canadian public intellectual, political philosopher.©️1994.
A Patient Letter to my Doctor
Dear Doctor “Jones”,
I'm writing to you primarily as a concerned member of the public, but also as one of your patients. By necessity this will cover a lot of ground. Such is the situation we all find ourselves in, it calls for the airing of some vitally important views and conclusions, and for them to be made quite clear and detailed. It’s one of those ‘leave no stone unturned’ things.
To begin, for the most part I’ve held the medical/healthcare profession in generally high regard. Further, as a relatively new patient of yours, I've thus far appreciated the obvious attention to detail and the passion you bring to patient care, and accord you a measure of respect for that.
That said, the preceding now comes with significant caveats.
I should remind you at the outset that in our first consultation you were somewhat persistent in encouraging me to 'get the Covid jab'. I politely made it clear I was not interested. Whilst I did not let on at the time, when we had that conversation I felt a bit uncomfortable about what I perceived, rightly or no, as undue pressure.
At that point I decided to let my concerns rest, preferring to wait and see how things unfolded with respect to this “pandemic” (especially insofar as the push for vaccinations might persist), and of course how our own relationship evolved in subsequent visits. In any event, I considered I had more pressing health concerns to deal with then.
That situation has since changed on a number of levels. After much reflection, I can no longer remain silent about my concerns, which are increasingly shared by an ever greater number of people, both here in Australia and abroad. Since the emergence of Covid, the respect I once accorded the medical and health care profession has plummeted, as has the trust and confidence I once held in those people within it.
What unsettled me back then—and continues to do even more so—is the stance taken by medical and health-care practitioners to the 'management' of the Covid “crisis”. I had hoped there’d be by now some collective awakening upon the part of the profession as to the real agenda here. That sadly has not been the case, another point to which I’ll return.
As you are aware, the Western Australian government as of January 31, 2022, has decreed that the lives, freedoms, choices, and personal liberties of the unvaccinated are to be severely and arbitrarily curtailed. As someone who’s chosen to exercise my Constitutional right not to participate in this existentially dangerous, profit-driven medical experiment, I'm appalled by this decree. Again, as are so many others who are ‘in the know’ with what the real agenda is here.
The implications of this mandate are many and various. As is typical with these matters, very little thought has been given by our politicians, bureaucrats, or other vested interests to the wisdom of such policies. These discriminatory, unconstitutional, and illegal edicts and the proposed measures to enforce them are simply unacceptable! It represents nothing less than,
a) another massive, egregious, authoritarian power-grab by our state government, our politicians, health bureaucrats and public policy makers; [and is]
b) another arrogant presumption they can at whim deny us our basic rights and freedoms in blatant defiance of our constitution without any public consultation.
Moreover, it will do nothing to restore people’s faith and trust in, and respect for, a profession which by its unquestioning acquiescence to these policies and decrees, has done so much in the past two years to undermine its own credibility with the public. To the extent the Covid virus represents anywhere near the sort of threat we’ve been led to believe, it will do little or nothing to mitigate it. As we go forward, I expect the veracity of these statements to become more self-evident.
— The Poverty of the Covid Policy Response
More than unsettling, for an increasing number of people like myself, such a stance upon the part of the medical, health science, research and health care professions is deeply disturbing. That said, this position is not shared by tens of thousands of your colleagues here in Australia and globally who’ve courageously taken a far different, more principled, and ethical stand.
These are people whose professional credentials are world renowned and unimpeachable, and whose personal integrity and reputation throughout this crisis has remained intact. These are people who know their science. (Along with other information, I’ve included with this letter as an addendum a list of names of some of these folk. See below #.)
They are also the ones whose views the general public (and doubtless many of your colleagues) rarely get to hear from and/or hear about because they are prevented from doing so, largely via blatant censorship by the medical authorities, health officials, establishment media gatekeepers and other of those “vested interests”. Along with being a full-frontal assault on freedom of speech and the free, fair, frank exchange of ideas, this is in blatant contravention of the public’s democratic right to know so as to be able to make informed choices for themselves and their families.
The evidence presented by these latter individuals in support of their views is irrefutable and unequivocal, despite efforts by “vested interests” to discredit, belittle them, and even punish and penalise them. Their views stand as a damning indictment on those members of the profession who’ve chosen to uphold the approved Covid narrative, the one those powerful “vested interests” promoted from the beginning and adhere to still. But the official orthodoxy has already become untenable, with new evidence materialising daily rendering it ever more so. There can be little doubt from this the so-called Covid-19 “pandemic” represents,
a) the most blatantly contrived, overblown, pervasive, purposefully fear-driven public health “crisis” in modern history;
b) the most disastrous, insidious, divisive, needlessly prolonged, poorly managed, and unconscionable public health policy response ever conceived then implemented; and
c) by far the greatest, most shocking and damaging public health scandal since the contaminated blood crisis of the 80s and 90s, mentioned in the introduction above.
Consider the following.
There’s the much touted panacea—the so-called “vaccine”—which is not a vaccine at all, not as we’ve known it. This ‘cure-all’ is an inadequately tested, highly experimental, genetically modified ‘concoction’, a far more apt, if still inadequate, descriptor. Even referring to it as a “gene therapy” amounts to a cruel joke. That it had to be branded as a “vaccine” in order to receive emergency use authorisation is telling in the extreme. I believe you and most of your professional colleagues should know this much by now. You could hardly claim ignorance of this fact and still maintain you have the best interests of patients at heart.
Furthermore, these “vaccines” are not safe, nor have they come anywhere near proving themselves as effective. To be sure, the opposite is true on both counts. The evidence as noted is mounting daily. On the safety issue alone, a quick look at the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) website should be enough to convince you otherwise. On the efficacy metric, they neither prevent transmission of the virus, nor do they provide immunity from further infections. And let’s not even touch on the necessity issue.
If that isn’t enough, you might have a further look at the US VAERS, the UK’s Yellow Card system and their Office of National Statistics, or the European Union’s EUDRAVigilance and EuroMOMO sites for additional information. Even here, there is strong evidence that the so-named “adverse events” are significantly underreported if not deliberately misreported. Which suggests that the situation is far worse than we’re led to believe.
All this to say nothing of the surge of sudden, unexplained deaths of otherwise healthy people (with super-fit sports pros perhaps the most glaring examples) being reported on a rolling basis world-wide amongst vaccinated people. As one US based commentator recently noted, each ‘passing day’ brings with it the knowledge of the ‘poverty of the vaccine-only response to COVID-19’.
This same writer then goes on to say that this mind-set ‘increasingly becomes part of the widely adopted knowledge base of ordinary American* citizens and an increasing proportion of health care personnel.’ (*We could substitute “Australian citizens” in the preceding statement and it would still apply.)
He continues with the following:
‘The factors at play have included the failure of the vaccination program—both…in terms of acceptance of the vaccines themselves by approximately 40% of the public and its adoption by healthcare professionals. Acceptance drops off further with adverse events from boosters, and even more due to the prospect of boosters every five months. The latter is a product of numerous factors, including the fact that FDA voted against boosters for all, only to be ignored and overruled by the CDC—as if a single person knows more than the FDA panel.’
And if all that’s not enough, what should attract your ‘complete and undivided’ is the number of your colleagues (see link here) who aggressively advocated for the jab to the point of denigrating the “vaccine hesitant”, and who themselves subsequently died after having it. The irony herein doesn’t come much deeper, with the karma some less empathetic souls might aver, being perhaps fitting.
As with the report about the sports professionals, the article in the link here goes back a couple of months. Yet in that time many other reports have surfaced of your colleagues here and abroad succumbing to post-vax “adverse events”, a phrase which is my pick for the most ‘creative’ (ie. deceptive) euphemism yet dreamed up by the perpetrators and perpetuators of this unprecedented, unmitigated disaster.
— When the Cure is Worse than the Disease
As someone who has more than a passing knowledge of Big Pharma’s track record of criminal negligence and its unerring ‘profit before principle’ business model, never before in my view has the phrase “the cure is far worse than the disease” been more apposite, and mordantly so.
More broadly speaking, judging by the entrenched position still held by so many in the medical and health care fraternity two years hence, most of us who are aware of what's going on could be forgiven for thinking that the profession in general is oblivious to what is indeed happening in the real world as a direct or indirect consequence of these policies.
Or if they are aware of what's unfolding, they seemingly don't want to know about it or are in some kind of inexplicable, yet nonetheless unconscionable, state of denial. Or perhaps they are simply afraid to stand against what they know to be morally and ethically wrong, in the process rejecting the “do no harm” ethic and/or forgetting their duty of care, the very foundation of the Hippocratic Oath.
Further, given the pharmaceutical industry’s appalling track record, it beggars belief that the medical profession once more has willingly embraced that “business model”—this time so blatantly and on such a massive scale—or simply allowed itself once again to be ‘played’ by these repeat offender criminals. It’s bad enough that so many of the general public has subscribed to this narrative. Even worse that the medical profession—those in a position to know better and who should know better—has embraced it in such an unquestioning manner.
Of course these two previous statements go hand in hand: To the extent the public has imbibed this fraudulent narrative, it is in no small measure because of the trust they have hitherto placed in medical and health-care professionals to have first and foremost the interests of their patients at heart, not those of the pharmaceutical corporations. The ‘optics’ for the profession are not looking good because of doing so, certainly not for those of us with an eye to these things.
Worse still, perhaps the profession is in some way profiting or otherwise benefitting from the continued maintenance—and now wholly undemocratic, unconstitutional, illegal enforcement—of these unjustifiable, destructive, and highly dangerous policies, few if any of which are ‘evidence-based’ in their justification. One hesitates to speculate too much as to how and on what basis medicos might be profiting or benefitting from this crisis.
But the widespread and deep-seated conflicts of interest that abound within and across the medical profession are legion, and go back several decades. It goes without saying these “conflicts” are frequently the handmaidens to countless examples of “criminal negligence” already cited, a reality shockingly chronicled and perhaps no more clearly evidenced than in Robert F Kennedy’s recent expose (see link above*).
It is well documented for example, that many clinics and medical centres are being financially incentivised to pressure their patients to get the jab. Your own clinic appears to be one of these. Along with your own attempts to convince me of the merits of this dubious concoction, your “Pfizer Waiting Room” (see pic below) is a dead giveaway here. To have in your clinic a dedicated “Pfizer” waiting room no less (meaning not just any old generic Vaccination Waiting Room), again speaks volumes to those all important “optics”.
All in all, the implications for medical and healthcare professionals who continue to either tacitly support or actively promote these destructive policies and the dangerous remedies people are being forced to take should be as profound as they’re self-evident. One does not need a crystal ball to predict there’ll be a backlash against the profession, and when it comes, it will not be pretty. Truth be told, much damage has already been sustained by the profession, almost all of self-inflicted, with apparently only a small percentage having any realisation of this.
On the matter of my own personal health issues, as your patient, consider the following: herein my concerns about the Covid situation overlap, and I suspect they’ll have implications for your other patients. You will know I have specific health issues requiring careful, ongoing management. This recent policy shift potentially puts me in a no-win situation, and it would be difficult for me to overstate how concerned I am with it. The unfairness and the absurdity of being placed in this position is as compelling as is the irony, and should not be lost on anyone.
All of which is to say, in order to avail myself going forward of all available steps and procedures so as to maintain my current state of health, welfare and well-being—which apart from being entitled to as a citizen of this country, is a responsibility I have to myself and to my family—I may at some point be compelled to place that very "health, welfare and well-being" at serious, even greater, risk.
— The Great Global Clot-shot Crap-shoot
Doctor, let me pause at this point and ask you the following: Where and when does all this coercion and arm-twisting end? Will we at some point be refused basic medical treatment if we’re not vaxxed? Will our continued access to Medicare and pharmaceutical benefits or paramedic services—or admission to emergency care or even hospital—be conditional upon us a) either proving we’ve had the jab or b) demonstrating our willingness to submit to it.
Will our ongoing eligibility for social service benefits and/or public housing still be unconditionally guaranteed if we exercise our right to informed consent and bodily autonomy by declining to be vaccinated?
To what extent will we continue to be ostracised and discriminated against, when all such measures thus far (face masks, self-isolation, border closures, lockdowns, social distancing, quarantining, contact tracing, travel & work restrictions, even repeated vaccinations and booster shots etc.) have done little to mitigate the impact of this “crisis”, which we’ve been told ad nauseum they would do, and which we continue to be told over two years later? Will at some point the government see fit to suspend our driver and vehicle licences until we fall into line, another coercive measure that’s been mooted?
Will at some point those of us who choose not to be vaccinated face the prospect of being interned in a Covid ‘concentration’ camp until such time as we learn to ‘play by the rules’? Will our children and grandchildren be excluded from attending school until such time as their parents submit them to what is after all a medical experiment, the outcome of which no-one has any idea, nor do they seem to much care to know?
Along with the rising incidences of adverse events (including death) resulting from the “vaccines”—coupled with the push to mandate vaccinations for younger and younger age groups—are we to wait until our own children start dropping dead before we call a halt to this abominable, heinous experiment?
To underscore all this and take it further, unless they’re repealed unconditionally, even when the WA borders reopen, I’ll not be able to visit interstate friends or family ever again, despite the illegal and wholly unconstitutional basis of these edicts. Already I can no longer undertake casual contract teaching work because of these mandates so as to supplement my pension income, the latter being part of my already tenuous retirement plan. I am very, very angry about that.
Putting aside those that are already in effect, your reaction to some of the preceding questions might be that such things could never happen. But the harsh reality is that you don’t know and can’t say for sure. No one can. In the past two years there’ve been many predictions about what direction public health policy might take under the Covid regime that were deemed ridiculous and/or the product of the overactive imaginations of Covid naysayers, “conspiracy theorists”, and assorted purveyors of ‘misinformation’.
But many have indeed become a reality, the naysayers notwithstanding. The constant moving of the goalposts in respect of the vaccination of children or them having to wear masks or social distance is a prime example in this respect.
The initial proposition moreover that people—children or adults—would only to need one “clot-shot”, that it’d be safe and effective, and that we’d “always” be able to make informed choices etc., turned out quite differently hasn’t it? The suggestion back in 2020 people would be compelled to get the jab or lose their job if they chose not to was dismissed out of hand, and yet here we are!
All this and more provides us another example that
a) earnest assurances extended by policy makers and their political masters mean absolutely nothing; and
b) policy measures taken ostensibly to mitigate the impact of this enormously inflated threat to public health are quite simply not working, and demonstrably so.
And yet either directly or indirectly, the respective state regimes along with the Federal government are in a variety of ways still vicariously coercing people to get the jab by pressuring businesses, public venues, service providers etc., to do their ‘dirty work’ for them. And now they’re threatening people in other insidious, wholly undemocratic ways with all manner of penalties and punitive measures. The kindest thing we might say about the bureaucrats and politicians is that they are making up public policy on the fly. The less kind thing would be to suggest this was the game-plan all along. It should be obvious to you now that I am more inclined to the latter view.
It is often claimed that politicians and bureaucrats aren’t an especially creative, innovative lot; yet when it comes to misusing and abusing their power, then ‘rationalising’ their decisions and actions as being in our best interests or that they serve some higher purpose, all the while abrogating their responsibilities and evading transparency and accountability at every turn, they are no slouches in this regard. These people simply have no credibility nor do they have any integrity. The Covid “crisis” has really brought this reality into sharp relief.
Put another way, perhaps the most dangerous place one might be caught on the hop these days is between a politician or a bureaucrat and a piece of draft legislation permitting them greater powers to deny people even more of their basic rights, entitlements and freedoms for the most spurious, ill-considered, and self-serving of reasons. An equally dangerous place to be is standing between a politician or public health official and the only exit when they’re asked to explain on record the logic or rationale of any aspect of the absurd Covid narrative and the mandates in particular.
— The Metrics and the Optics (Of Covid and the Vax)
The bottom line is that our craven, opportunistic political classes and policy makers are beholden to a much higher power than the people who elected them. And we both know who that “higher power” is in this instance, and what the “agenda” is all about. Big Pharma along with their partners in crime—the Bill Gates, the Anthony Faucis, the Klaus Schwabs—have been working on this gambit for a very long time! If Covid and the vax is not the end-game, it’ll do until the real one gets here! And the “partners in-crime” phrase used here is not a figure of speech.
To both recap and underscore for the record a few salient points then, given my own knowledge and understanding of the serious risks involved in doing so (with or without a preexisting medical condition), I will under no circumstances be taking these concoctions. I already know personally of at least 5 people who after having a Covid “clot-shot” have experienced significant cardiovascular issues (without known existing co-morbidities), two of which were serious heart attacks.
My understanding moreover is that the most common of the "adverse events" to the "vaccines" are cardio-vascular related, with the two most cited of these being pericarditis and myocarditis. I’m aware of many others who've submitted to the vaccination tyranny against their better judgment because they felt for whatever reasons they had no choice but to comply. I know even more who've refused the vax, and either been sacked or have resigned their jobs, with all that that entails.
All objective evidence then—authoritative and overwhelming if one takes the time to seek it out and ignores the self-serving mainstream media, the politicians, the health bureaucrats and/or policy makers—points to the high risk of fatal/non-fatal heart attacks and assorted cardiovascular related complications increasing dramatically across all age groups as a result of people subjecting themselves to these treatments.
One study puts this increase at 127%.
Now in anyone's language, this is a massive increase in the risk metric, with the “clot-shot” having now become something of a ‘crap-shoot’. These are not good optics as the saying goes! Even one third of that metric would be greatly troubling. In a different time it would have created a public outcry, thereafter compelling a complete cancellation of the program rollout along with a product recall pending a Royal Commission. And in an ideal world, a few ‘heads would roll’ as a consequence.
To reiterate, based on this concern alone, I personally have very grave, wholly justifiable concerns about taking the “vaccine”, with or without a given heart condition. I know of many others who think likewise and/or are in a similar situation. All this to say nothing of the many other fatal, near-fatal, or debilitating complications of the cerebrovascular and neurological kind (e.g. strokes), including in some recently reported cases, those occurring in children and young people.
There’s even been credible evidence suggesting that such “events” are being 'normalised'. Strokes? Heart attacks? In young adults and in children younger than ten? Seriously!? Is this where we're at? Is this what the medical practitioners and their bureaucratic masters are willing to accept as collateral damage? This gets very close to ‘burning down the village in order to save it’.
As for the medium- to long-term effects these “concoctions” may bring about going forward, this is another matter entirely. To reiterate: No-one knows nor can they say for certain what such “adverse events” might entail. More precisely, no-one within and across the political, medical, scientific, pharmaceutical, health policy making and mainstream media establishment wants to know. Or if they do know, or at least have some idea of the long-term outcomes (again I am decidedly of this view), they most certainly do not want us to know, and will double down and press on regardless. The recent edict from the WA government—and again the medical profession’s unquestioning acquiescence to it—has underscored this predisposition on their part.
The indemnity that’s been conferred on all members of the profession alone speaks volumes for those of us unwilling to take unnecessary risks with our health, or might be concerned about their nearest and dearest being exposed to such risks via the same means and methods. If they are so safe, it begs one simple, obvious question: why the indemnity? Why the immunity from prosecution for what can only be described as “medical malpractice”? No-one has a satisfactory, plausible answer to this question! At least to my knowledge.
All this, to say nothing of the carte blanche immunity from prosecution extended to the pharmaceutical cartel whose reprehensible, criminal, decades-long track record of deceptive business practices, general malfeasance, and gross negligence is as tragic as it is extensively documented—not just by myself but countless others—albeit one not often mentioned in dispatches by the corporate or establishment media or the policy makers. It is moreover a track record where few if any of the top pharmaceutical executives have ever been held criminally accountable, much less served time behind bars. The so-called “moral hazard” does not apply. As US based trial attorney Mike Papantonio—like RFK Jr a perennial legal bête noir of Big Pharma—has none too subtly posited: “Until and unless we throw a few of these people in jail, they will continue to presume they can get away with murder!”
In light of this, I object vehemently and unequivocally in any way, shape or form—directly or indirectly—being compelled to take such experimental treatments. My position has always been—and remains—one of “informed consent”, a hitherto inviolable precept which has now been dispensed with here in Australia and in numerous other countries.
This stance extends to my immediate family, specifically my daughter and her husband (both of whom share my concerns), and my two grandchildren, aged 10 and 11. With a 99.99% survival/recovery rate, on this latter point why would any responsible parent voluntarily subject their children to the mortal dangers these “vaccines” so clearly present? (See link here, and here for information regarding the dangers of vaccinating children.)
Doctor, let’s face it: The matter of the Covid "pandemic" is not, nor has it ever been, about public health. I believe you and your colleagues are fully aware of this. In lockstep with countless others, I feel it's well past high-time more doctors, medical researchers, clinicians, scientists and health-care professionals—who thus far have remained silent perhaps for fear of negative repercussions—began speaking up and out, and forcefully so. If there’s one group of professionals who can call a halt to this epic public policy failure (a criminally inspired social engineering experiment in all but name), it’s the medical/scientific fraternity.
If I have one singular objective in writing to you in this manner, it’s in the hope you’ll become one of them. We need you and your colleagues on board with this one aim in mind.
We realise the position you've been placed in, an invidious one at that. But that is no excuse. Millions of Australians from all walks of life—including a number of my friends and acquaintances here in Australia and abroad—have already been placed in similar situations and presented stark choices: Either get the jab or lose your job. Their right to work—along with their livelihoods, careers and ability to support their families—is being arbitrarily denied them by venal, arrogant, self-serving politicians and bureaucrats, acting on behalf, and in the interests of, people who place profit, power, and control over principles and ethics. This is reprehensible, it is unforgivable!
That this present situation we all find ourselves in has been aided and abetted by the medical and healthcare fraternity makes it all the more so. Such acquiescence upon the part of the medical profession in effect translates to the following: "We are just following orders", with all the baggage that comes with that statement! Anyone familiar with the outcome of the Nuremberg trials knows full well that that defence doesn't cut it.
To reiterate, you and your colleagues must now speak up. This has gone on far too long, and has already caused immeasurable damage to people's lives. The damage continues even as I write. That said, people’s patience is wearing very thin, as many more are waking up. They are far less trusting of “the science”. The marches, protests, meetings, rallies etc., are getting bigger, the voices becoming louder, the pushback stronger, the views and judgments of people now far more informed.
And again, let’s not even mention the division, animosity and conflict this epic policy failure has visited upon individuals, families, personal friendships, social relationships, and general community cohesion. Add to that the mental health impacts on people, the effects of which are likely to last a lifetime, and which themselves will be incalculable.
And the adverse impact on children—from their education to their personal growth to their social development to their mental health—has been especially reprehensible. All for a virus that amongst other things one might say about it,
a) is little more than a rebranded flu, which itself had a far higher mortality metric;
b) is one for which adequate, proven preventative medicines and treatments already existed but access to which was ‘inexplicably’ and irresponsibly denied the public;
c) is one which in any event given our natural immunity has a 97%+ recovery rate depending on the demographic; and last but not least
d) is almost surely the result of gain-of-function research (i.e. man-made), and not, as many would have us believe a totally unexpected, naturally occurring, microbiological disease.
And here’s one more profound irony for yourself and your colleagues along with their Big Pharma ‘patrons’ to digest. The so-called “anti-vaxxer” cohort is as we all know much reviled. Prior to the arrival of Covid, to the extent that the movement functioned as a viable force of resistance to the unscrupulous agenda of Big Pharma—and for the moment placing to one side—
a) any judgments the medical profession and assorted ‘pro-vaxxers’ might make about those who are perceived as part of this movement;
b) how much credibility or legitimacy they enjoyed with the general public at that point; and
c) whether the “anti-vaxxer” arguments might or might not be justified in part or in whole on sound science
—for its part the medical and health-care profession, the pharmaceutical cartel, and the wider “pro-vaxxer” cohort (the establishment media once again comes to mind here first and foremost), have inspired far, far more confirmed “anti-vaxxers” (or at least vaccine hesitancy) now than there ever were before the rollout of the Covid agenda. And I believe as do many others that that movement is growing every day. Perhaps this is an entirely fitting exemplar of the Law of Unintended Consequences (aka “blowback”) working its magic!
As a corollary, it could well be argued that with Covid and the manner in which the powers that be have seen fit to manage it, Big Pharma has by virtue of its insatiable greed—its relentless, criminal pursuit of profit at the expense of every other priority—has finally ‘cooked its golden goose’.
And yet on both these counts, few if any of the Covid stakeholders and “vested interests” seem to have absorbed that salient point after all this time. To the extent they might be included amongst such “vested interests”, it should go without saying this includes the medical profession. Now’s the time I’d aver for a reality check on all things Covid and the vax! I for one will do everything within my power to ensure they get this message.
Which is another way of saying I will not remain silent nor compliant. There is far too much at stake. For myself, my family, and my nearest and dearest. And for all of Australians.
With all this in mind, I strongly urge you to read the supplementary material I’ve included below#. I believe it speaks for itself. Consider it your first wake-up call. It came via a recent symposium convened under the auspices of Doctors for Covid Ethics, an organisation with which I feel sure you’re familiar. It is vitally important information, perhaps the most significant thing you'll read in your career as a medical practitioner.
Please note that what you see below represents but the 'tip of the iceberg' as it were, with the short-term "adverse events" of these highly experimental treatments becoming more prevalent and more evident by the day. I can, and will be able to provide you much additional information to support that statement, though even I’ve only scratched the surface here.
But if you’re genuine about uncovering the truth behind this insidious agenda, you’ll know exactly where to look, and what to look for. And how to join the dots. Follow the money! And ask: Qui bono?
Greg Maybury.
1. You will see in the link below a list of highly credible and credentialled medical, health-care and health science professionals who are actively opposed to the various government policies related to the management of Covid, both here in Australia and internationally; doubtless you will know some of them by name, and may have even met some at conferences and seminars etc.
2. As one case in point, I draw your attention to Dr. Lee Merritt# in particular, if for no other reason than I was especially impressed with her presentation and her credentials; [she] is a prominent American orthopaedic surgeon (3rd generation BTW); I highly recommend it as a starting point. I believe what she has to say will shock you. But she is one amongst many who've voiced in an informed, articulate and forthright manner their grave concerns about all things Covid.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi made this plea on Friday 10 December 2021.
'The call for Humanity is addressed to physicians around the globe. They have played central roles in conjuring up and driving the COVID-19 narrative along its fatal path. Return to your pledged duties to serve humanity. Recall the Oath of Hippocrates and the 1954 Declaration of Geneva. Avoid doing harm.
Physicians who participate in the vaccination program: search for the truth in your souls. Are you acting out of conviction? Have you attempted to weigh out the evidence for and against the administration of the gene-based agents?
Early in the vaccination campaign you may have believed that injecting gene-based COVID products served the best interests of your patients. This Symposium has however irrefutably documented that that stance is no longer viable. The potential of the so-called vaccines to trigger self-destruction is now revealed. Continuance of their application will be equatable with intended infliction of bodily harm.
You, medicinal professionals of the world, can and must stop this immediately. Can you bear the thought that your next injection could wipe out the hopes and happiness of an innocent child? Blood that you may have on your hands can still be washed off. But new blood will remain on you until the Day of Judgment.
Physicians, we call upon you to decline to participate in the harm of your patients. Resist the hijacking of medicine by politics, and take patient care and patient safety back into your own hands. Our Call for Freedom is addressed to the governmental bodies and medicinal agencies, whose conflicts of interest abound. We charge them with usurping their powers in order to serve their own interests. They have inflicted untold suffering on the world populace – cynically, mercilessly, remorselessly.
The first individuals we address here are the medical doctors: Anthony Fauci, Ursula van der Leyen, the Austrian and German ministers of health, the next President of Switzerland. Do you not fear that your names will go down in history alongside with the names of the greatest evil-doers of all times – and forever mar the standing and prestige of our once-honoured profession?
We challenge you to come forth and debate the matter with us in an open and honest fashion. This challenge extends to all medical institutions that continue to laud the merits of COVID-vaccination.
Colleagues: we cannot both be right and it is our implicit duty to come together and seek the truth. Come, colleagues, convince the world of your honourable stance by accepting our challenge. We await you any time, any day, anywhere.
Our Call for Justice is addressed to the law courts of the world. Pleas for help are reaching your courtrooms from around the globe. Return to your judicial responsibility to protect and stand by the populace that is being terrorized by a select few of the world. Recall your professional duties and maintain the ethics of your profession. Open your eyes, your ears and your minds to both of the opposing parties. Ensure that the guilty are brought to justice.
And, finally, to our fellow members of the human family: we call upon you to stand up for your rights, and the rights of those you love – your freedom, your bodily autonomy, your right to live, speak, move and work freely, without medical coercion, intimidation, or fear of reprisal. For once you give those rights away, they will not be given back. You will be sentencing your children and the generations to come to an existence in a world of darkness, to a life devoid of empathy, of love, of humanity. A life no longer worth living.
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Gregory John Maybury, BSB: 802-985 — Ac. No. 410343855
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t: @gjmaybury
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A more balanced, even-minded communication I have yet to read during The Era of COVID. Very powerful! Then, the Truth manifests so, does it not? With gratitude and best wishes, Alan
Professor Greg, you are awesome. Thx and best wishes for a better, healthier and brighter future. Sol