The No Fly Zone with Greg Maybury
Interview with Dr. My Le Trinh M.D., Sydney-based General Practitioner, Activist.
The No Fly Zone Interview with Dr My Le Trinh, Presenter/Host, Greg Maybury, on TNT Radio, May 29th, 2023
The No Fly Zone with Greg Maybury
Dear All, Friends, It is with a large measure of sadness that I report the following. A very close, long-time friend of our family has just passed away after suffering a sudden, debilitating collapse about 4 weeks ago. Following an emergency operation, he entered into a prolonged coma from which he never recovered. The actual cause (or trigger) of this adverse event is uncertain at this stage, but it appears as if it was an aneurism or some sort of blood clot. This person was 40YO.
Now we don’t know at this stage if indeed our family friend—who as I understood it was vaccinated at least twice—suffered an "adverse event" from the jab, or if in fact the jab triggered it in more indirect ways. That consideration is best left to the bereaved family itself, if indeed they wish to go there. In any event, an autopsy—which given the reported backlogs could take some time—may or may not prove conclusive. At all events, knowing one way or another is not going the alter the reality. For us or his family.
But we do know this: For the past few years those close members of my immediate family and their now deceased friend had been estranged. This situation was triggered by differences over respective attitudes to the declaration of the pandemic, and in particular, the jab. The inescapable reality of this is that close members of my family, will not see their old friend again. To lose a friend under any circumstances is tragic. To have lost someone under such circumstances as these is beyond tragic, perhaps beyond words.
Many of you doubtless will have heard stories like this before, with perhaps some having gone through similar experiences with friends and familiars since the jab rollout. Or you’ve watched people you love forced to deal with the emotional fallout from having experienced the loss of someone close to them under such circumstances. The never ending reports of jab related deaths and injuries—so many of which are increasingly occurring in healthy people and at quite young ages—should prepare us all for any and all outcomes in this regard. For quite some time. This includes in children, who should never under any circumstance have been subjected to this unsafe, ineffective, and completely unnecessary, medical experiment.
If any of you reading this have experienced such tragic outcomes as I’ve just described, I feel for you. There can be no doubt in my mind that these pandemic induced differences and divisions—which have fractured hitherto rock-solid family relationships and long standing friendships in unprecedented, acrimonious, and tragic ways—have been fostered by those who wrought this catastrophe upon us all. Difficult to see how this was not part of the plan…
Or at the very least such social and familial divisions have been dutifully relegated to the status of “collateral damage”. We know how these people think (if indeed they actually do “think”): they’re written off as ‘losses’ necessarily incurred for the greater good! This perhaps is the larger tragedy—one that doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. Even by some amongst us who've been most affected.
And there’s little doubt we’ll hear many more such stories like these, with medical authorities, the profession itself, the media, Big Pharma and politicians still pushing the same old tired narratives that have contributed to this unmitigated disaster. (See below for my previous reports on this situation.)
Here's a sobering reality check on all the reports of adverse events: By all reliable accounts (these being the ones not spoon-fed to us by those with vested interests in keeping a lid on perhaps the ‘best worst kept secret’ surrounding the Covid jab rollout, such as the medical establishment, the media, Big Pharma, our politicians, this one has caused more deaths and injuries than all previous vaccination programs combined, with no end in sight. Let’s repeat that last statement: “...this jab has caused more deaths and injuries than all previous vaccination programs combined…”. In all countries it needs be noted: there is no exception to this reality.
If there’s a lesson in this for us all (there are plenty of course), it’s this: For those of us similarly estranged from once good friends and close family members over the Pandemic + Jab Thing (regardless of which side of the fence you’re on), I implore one and all to reach out and somehow find a way to mend those fences now. Life’s too short.
The bottom line is this: the Covid pandemic and the authorities response to it has of course wrought all sorts of distress and disruption upon people’s lives. We cannot allow this to happen ever again. And one way to prevent it is by mending those fences now.
The adverse events aside, the Covid pandemic and especially the medical authorities response to it has brought all sorts of distress and disruption into people’s lives. And it is one I’m on record as being highly critical of. This includes the reprehensible manner in which they’ve treated those doctors who did stand against to their dictatorial edicts.
My guest in this episode—Dr My Le Trinh—is one such person.
Originally from Cambodia, she has been a Sydney based GP for 27 years, having worked at the same practice for over 22 years. For 10 of those years she co-owned and ran the practice. From 2007 until the pandemic came along, My Le has been back to her home country several times carrying out medical mission work and humanitarian aid. She was suspended 18 months ago for prescribing Ivermectin for her patients.
In this episode I spoke to her about her suspension and the ongoing legal proceedings she is engaged in to have her license restored. We also spoke about the tactics the medical regulators used during this pandemic to silence and intimidate doctors, and to punish those who did stand up for medical principles and ethics, in their patients’ best interests.
👀 ICYMI: Whistling Past the Graveyard: Expose of the Medical Establishment (In Two Parts), by Greg MAYBURY
👀👉Below is a definitive indictment in two parts of the medical and healthcare establishment, which over three years after the declaration of the pseudo-pandemic, is still 'whistling past the graveyard'.
📃 Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard Part One: The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Establishment, by Greg Maybury.
#DrFauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WEF #WHO #GreatReset #AdverseEvents #AIDS #HIV #Pandemic
📃 Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard Part Two: The High Priests of Public Health & Modern Medicine, by Greg Maybury
BRIEF: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the global conspiracy that is the Covid “pandemic”, is the ease with which the vast majority of those in the medical, healthcare, and affiliated scientific fields embraced the official dogma and complied with the dictates imposed under its regime.
The stark reality is that the arch-criminal globalist confederacy that is the World Economic Forum—in tandem with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organisation and others—could hardly have imagined much less attempted this monstrous deception without the imprimatur and complicity of the medical and scientific establishment. Along with ditching their solemn oath to ‘do no harm’ and betraying their ethical principles, they've become fully owned chattels of the Big Pharma drug cartel.
In this two part series, from the personal to the political and back again Greg Maybury applies the 'blowtorch to the belly' of this once revered (“caring”) profession. It’s not a pretty sight. They’ve much to answer for, little to fall back on by way of excuses, and no ‘alibis’.
⬇️👀 What readers are saying about “Whistling Past the Graveyard”. See above for links to both parts. Share freely. GM
— ‘You’ve really put down on paper what most of want to but can’t find the words. You certainly have done the homework and speak 100% truth. You’re work is amazing and you deserve much respect as well! God bless you!’
— ‘On the mark, yet mind-bending research and writing [from Greg Maybury!]’
— ‘Excellent breakdown of both the new “norms” imposed on our fellow citizens by their ‘leaders” whose main objective is the retention of Power over the citizenry no matter the consequences & the demise of the once highly regarded Medical Profession for their complicity!’
— 'A must read piece. Clearly showing that the medical establishment follows the same process with every crime they commit & how the public can so readily drink the kool-aid when it gets served.'
— ‘Awesome read, Greg. You nailed it all! And then some.’
— ‘Greg, I cannot thank you more in words to match the gratitude in my heart. I earned the Ph.D. (Pharmacology) almost one half a century ago (1976). By the end of that academic trek, I knew, viscerally, all of what you have written is true. 🙏 for speaking out’.
— ‘Greg, I applaud you for your contributions to our (still) virtual struggle. We have to have solutions going forward. Before we have solutions agreed, we have to have the problem clearly stated. You contribute so well to that!! Thank you.’
— ‘[Mr Maybury] I don’t know of a single other commentator etc., that expresses so well, in such a detailed, believable way, the thoughts you present. I have sent off links to your articles [to those friends who still read my emails]. I shall subscribe and support your work.’
— Many thanks to you for sharing. You are inspiration and strength in a world made by a few, dull and weak. I look forward to more of your great articles and stories. Hold your spirit strong cause you are here on the right side of this great thing they call life. Your wisdom and words are much needed to awaken the dormants. Keep up your great work.
— Wow, great piece!…your article is once again a master piece. Brilliant. Thx for sharing it and for allowing others to do the same.
There was no "Covid pandemic."
It’s imperative that people stop ceding ground to fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.
This only fortifies the narrative by implying that any extra-ordinary response was ever necessary, that a single one of their “public health” diktats was legitimate.
This has never had anything to do with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen. It is a global conspiracy by the world's transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201.
It’s all right there for anyone to look up and see for themselves. It is about radically transforming every aspect of society in response to the final crisis of capitalism, which was no long profitable or sustainable, transitioning to the new digital financial system, implementing the technologies of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution, and exterminating and sterilizing broad swathes of the “useless eaters” and now-surplus labor/population, who in old crises would be sent off to war, which is too risky today with weapons of mass destruction that could blow up the world a hundred times over.
Today they’re accomplishing the same thing through the bio-medical weapons of mass destruction of “covid” measures (isolation, medical malpractice, sedation, ventilation, manufactured unemployment, neglect, austerity, etc.) and poison injections.
The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing, and the other measures that did nothing to protect or improve public health were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break our minds and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.
All talk of so-called "Covid" is a meaningless distraction and quite besides the (existentially urgent) point when you understand that the virus/disease they’re allegedly designed to protect against doesn’t exist in the first place and, additionally, what their real, above-mentioned purpose(s) is