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PREAMBLE: With the 'controversy' still raging on the cause célèbre du jour that is Covid, we are living in the age of angst, animus and anomie. Yet a few people from all walks of life, including prominent and reputable scientists, health-care workers and medical professionals—even former Big Pharma executives and senior staffers—are standing up against the toxic tide of this new tyranny. This alone is clear evidence something is decidedly wrong with the official narrative.
In my first feature length article on the subject of Covid from early 2021, I posited the notion the real “virus” was of a different, less tangible, far more insidious kind. Since publishing this, the “minds” have become more infected, with the lies larger, more frequent, habitual, contradictory, predictable, and more broadly disseminated. With the truth more distorted, fragmented, and concealed,.
Yet to decry the lies and in their place utter some home truths or point to both the absurdities and inherent dangers in the manner of the official “pandemic” response, is becoming a subversive act, perhaps soon to be punishable by law.
My aim with what follows is to reflect on the ‘popular delusions and madness of crowds’ attending Covid, and to examine the agendas of those who predicted—perhaps preordained—it, and who are purporting to manage the crisis in our best interests. Such a perspective hopefully will provide us a keener insight into the diabolical forces driving us to a destination that, to the extent we permit ourselves to think about it, almost certainly will not be to our liking.
And to the extent they’ll have the opportunity or the freedom to reflect on such, it will likely leave our descendants who do manage by some means to survive, wondering how on earth we let it all get to this point. After failing to find much in the way of answers (of which there’ll be few in any event), then despairing at our cowardice, ignorance, myopia, and complacency in doing so. If there is one reality I hope becomes apparent from this exercise, it is this one.
I’ve now republished it for my Substack subscribers who perhaps have not seen it before. Though it includes some up-to-date reflections and additional links to other sources, it retains the same basic messages of the original. As always, share widely across your networks and post freely on your preferred platforms.
🗣️👉 ‘Virus Mania is a social disease of our highly developed society. To cure it will require conquering fear, fear being the most deadly contagious virus, most efficiently transmitted by the media.’ — Torsten Engelbrecht & Claus Kohnlein, Virus Mania: Avian Flu (HSN1), Cervical Cancer (HPV), SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AI OS, Polio—How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense
🗣️👉 ‘Picture the prince, as most of them are today: a man ignorant of the law, well-nigh an enemy to his people’s advantage, while intent on his personal convenience, a dedicated voluptuary, hater of…freedom and truth, without a thought for the interests of his country, and measuring everything in terms of his own profit and desires.’ — Erasmus
🗣️👉 ‘Nothing will avail to offset this virus which is poisoning us all. America is the very incarnation of doom…She will drag the whole world down to the bottomless pit.’ — Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer.
🗣️👉 ‘Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles: infected minds to their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets’. — Wm. Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 1
— A Blood Poisoning of our Body Politic —
The emergence in 2020 of the Coronavirus (or Covid-19) and the putative dire implications for us all of its unchecked spread and virulence caught most people on the planet off guard. Although it may not have been immediately apparent at the time, this development signalled an epochal turning point for the global political economy, for our society at large, and humanity as a whole.
But this was never about a virus of the type we’re still being led to believe is the case. Nor was declaring a global pandemic about protecting public health, a reality apparent to only a relatively few people at the time. We shall return to these themes throughout.
In setting out our stall, the following should serve us well. In an essay titled “Symbols of Transformation”, archetypal ‘poster-child’ of the collective unconscious Carl Jung observed something especially relevant to what is now unfolding.
‘There’s no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes. The supreme danger which threatens individuals [and] whole nations is a psychic danger.’
Though history’s path is littered with the mortal remains of countless victims of such dangers, it’s hard to recall a period in recent times where Jung’s insight into the ‘human condition’ has carried such ominous portent. The much-touted microbial perils aside for now, arguably not since September 11, 2001 have we experienced such a sweeping psychic contamination of the global body politic implicit in Jung’s maxim as we have done with the emergence of Covid-19, and with it the arbitrary declaration of a global pandemic. Both events were historical game changers: disparate to be sure, yet ‘transformative’, both have underscored Jung’s insight in spades. It informs much of what follows.
With uncertainty, fear, doubt, anxiety, suspicion, hysteria, intolerance, paranoia, and panic in the ascendancy, infecting ever more deeply our already ‘overloaded’, much put upon psyches—and some of our most basic, hitherto presumed freedoms and liberties abruptly curtailed or suspended ostensibly for the greater good (by some accounts, temporarily)—all of us have been affected in some way.
For the most part and for most people, this has not been in a good way. The true calculus of the effects will be some time in coming, if in fact we can expect such revelations might ever be quantifiable, or for that matter deemed worthy of investigation. (See here, here, and here for just a few examples of the widely reported mental health impact of Covid and its attendant insanities. This trend can only go one way whilst the insanity prevails.)
Irrespective of whether one views Covid (and mooted mutations thereof) is
a) as bad as we’re told it is in the here and now;
b) [as] real an existential threat to humanity going forward as our established and establishment sources of news and information would have it; or
c) whether it is even real at all or whether we needed to be all that concerned about it to begin with…(See here and here for further information.)
…it is the all too human propensity for irrational thought and illogical action that gives rise to the psychopathology implicit in Jung’s assessment. This is decidedly the case when such propensities are combined with our easy willingness to accept prima facie the proclamations of our ruling elites, fuelled as they are by their own hubristic agendas, almost all of which are fiercely echoed by their news and information (read “propaganda”) intermediaries.
Whilst it seems the global populace has for the most part stoically accepted with perhaps more resignation than reservation the official narrative of ‘experts’ in such matters, there is all the same a highly credible, eminently qualified, and eclectic mix of folks who’ve declared themselves at least quite sceptical of the whole business.
Significantly, whilst events and developments triggered by the crisis unfold, as I write more individuals and groups are coming forward and crying ‘foul’, about the much ballyhooed severity—indeed the very authenticity—of the crisis, and the rationale of the official responses to it. Indeed, there’s highly credible evidence bordering on the irrefutable that the “virus” was not a naturally occurring phenomenon, but man-made. Even others have suggested there was no virus at all. This being the case, we can draw but one conclusion from it.
To begin to understand why such ready acceptance of the official narrative has been so ‘contagious’, a slight digression at this point is necessary. In his slyly subversive 1995 tome The Doubter’s Companion: A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense, the Canadian public intellectual John Ralston Saul offers a useful perspective: he presents simple, homespun doubt as ‘the only human activity capable of controlling power in a positive way’. For him, doubt is ‘central to [our] understanding’.
As something of an aside then, Saul did also suggest the following (albeit in a different context): ‘…it is curious just how easily [our elites] set about serving only themselves, even if it means…they or the society will self-destruct’. But that suggestion now is no mere “aside”. Given the Zeitgeist, it could well be seen as portentous, as if Saul knew something we weren’t privy to, or was able to foresee something beyond our capacities to do so. (Which when one comes to think of it, is in the public intellectual’s job description, [is] his/her raison d’être as it were.)
And after noting that ‘our beliefs are rarely renounced’ when our belief systems are contradicted by facts and reality checks and balances, for his part British academic, philosopher and historian John Gray threw his ‘thinking cap’ into the ring by adding the following,
‘…More often they (i.e. our beliefs) are reinterpreted, thereby reinforced…Humans are more interested in preserving an internally coherent worldview than in testing their view of things against events. Nearly always, faith trumps facts.’
Above of course are but a few amongst the countless, crucial questions which the doubters have brought to the pandemic ‘picnic’, but which the majority us have not properly considered, much less permitted such reflections to impact on our own responses and behaviours. We’ve forsaken any natural tendency to doubt and substituted it with a misplaced trust: A mutant variant in this case, of blind faith as it were in our political, economic and technocratic elites and in our social, democratic, intellectual institutions, our professional associations, and our regulatory agencies having by now reached a level that would be the envy of any wanna-be evangelist, aspiring religious zealot, or charismatic cult leader cum snake-oil salesman.
(Insofar as the preceding observations go, most readers I’d aver are familiar with “cognitive dissonance”; fewer I’d suggest are as familiar with what is known as the Paradigm Effect. But we’re on similar ground.)
As with Jung’s earlier insight, such variant musings by Saul and Gray are crucial to our fuller understanding of what’s taking place at present, and the implications of ignoring the portents therein. In the Age of Covid—with doubt amongst the populace an increasingly rare commodity—it seems clear we’re not only ‘over’ doubt as an instinctive response to the machinations of our power elites and those who would rule over us. To the extent we do embrace doubt, we’re doing so inwardly, not outwardly. In the wrong direction as it were!
Which is to say, it is our own judgment—and it has to be said, that of people whose own judgment we’ve previously trusted—that we more readily apply such doubts to than [to] those who govern us. We’re second guessing ourselves, to put it in plain terms. (A simple logical extension here becomes irresistible: Meaning? Perhaps it’s time to reconsider our attitudes towards those folks we previously dismissed as “conspiracy theorists”. Just saying.)
In its place, we’re substituting a misplaced trust in authority and political power. It is to them we accord by default the benefits of such doubts. The more we do so, the less legitimate their power becomes to be sure; yet at the same time the more they then seek to assert, by illegitimate means, the depleted authority invested in them. The Law of Diminishing Returns anyone?
These wielders of great power known and unknown, elected and unelected, public and not so, for whom the quaint old chestnut ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ is both anathema and risible, are aware of our easy propensity to trust. As such, these people unashamedly leverage—ie. politicise, weaponise and/or monetise—our (self) doubts, our fears, insecurities, anxieties, even our primal instincts against us in the direct and indirect service of their own nefarious agendas and their own individual and collective self-interest. This isn’t just happening with Covid of course.
It is said: ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste…’. Putting aside the inherent ambiguity of this trope and the fact that the precept itself has been doing the rounds for some time in one form or another (crass opportunism and bloody cynicism hardly concepts foreign to the political mind or the ruling overlord classes, past or present), it not by chance shoehorned itself into the political lexicon in the wake of 9/11. Yet—at least for the dedicated doubters amongst us that is—the subtext of this meme was then and remains now: ‘if we get tired of waiting for one [a crisis] to show up, go the extra mile and have one tailor-made and fit-for-purpose…’.
That this reality then should be obvious to all is, well, without doubt! To re-mint an old adage, we don’t need to be paranoid to appreciate this. In any case, the paranoia may be too late to help us. Such are the stakes with this particular crisis, such is the zeitgeist. This is not idle hyperbole. Oh that were the case!
And what might appear to be painfully obvious to some of us isn’t always so for others, a revelation which might rank as one of the most ineluctable lessons of the “pandemic”. This includes those amongst us whom we might consider to be smarter, more educated, cleverer, more switched on than we are. That this was part of our reality before Covid is true; it is mos' def' part of our reality now. Or should be!
And for those who might be tempted to view all this as akin to conspiratorial musing, as author Lance de Haven-Smith has suggested, our ready acceptance of the edicts and entreaties from on high is predicated on a misplaced ‘sentimentality’ about our political leaders, public figures and institutions ‘rather than’ he says, ‘on any unbiased reasoning and object observation’. One supposes here then we’re talking about the benefit of a reasonable doubt versus the downside of unreasonable suspicion or even unreasoned certainty. You know, a healthy scepticism, for want of a better phrase?
It’s difficult though reconciling such “sentimentality” with any known, rational reason for doing so. True history, if we allow it, almost always has a different story to tell, at least the unvarnished, memory-holed version does. For those of us not naturally inclined towards such sentiments (ie. faith, trust, respect etc.) when contemplating the general character, mindset, integrity and scruples of our average political and public figures and the globalist power elites who are ultimately their ‘organ-grinder minders’, this especially might be the case.
In any event, these folks in whom we place so much faith, [and] to whom we accord so much fealty, and whom we imbue with so much trust, are little more than flesh and blood avatars for the wielders of real political and economic power, well beyond the purview of ordinary citizens. It may have been ever thus; it is even more so now!
Easily one of the most striking things about the Covid phenomenon and the global response to it (of which it goes without saying, there was decidedly no shortage), is that we witnessed almost all world leaders leaping in lock-step unison in their responses. As if they were reading from a script, which in effect they were. Almost all of them resurrected their school-yard bully standover merchant persona and embraced their inner tyrant, eschewing all semblance of respect for democracy, civil and human rights, and the rule of law.
At all events, here’s the thing: If we don’t use doubt—a measure of political agnosticism (or “aggressive common sense” as Saul would have it), wherein we question our misplaced trust—to control the psycho-pathologically derived misanthropy and the collective totalitarian mindset of these people, they’ll have little compunction in using our inability, refusal, or unwillingness to doubt them to, in turn, control us and manipulate us. As indeed they are! This is best done collectively, not ad hoc and not individually. (👀👉 here and here.)
We shall return to these broader themes later. But any meaningful discourse of Covid requires us to critically examine the integrity of at least one of the main architects of the existential milieu in which we find ourselves and where unto we’ve been thrust without so much as a by your leave.
— Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts —
For those looking into our current malaise (the “how did we get here?” bit), it is to Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates (BMG) Foundation we must turn our attention.
In reference to his much-touted philanthropic endeavours, the redoubtable James Corbett of The Corbett Report is one I believe who’s nailed the essence of Gates and his deeper motives; Corbett has dared to challenge the accepted narratives of the public relations exercise which has crafted then attended them. For those who haven’t seen Corbett’s expose, suffice to say there are many takeaways, most of which may be difficult to digest for those disinclined to doubt. But essential viewing it is.
Along with being more than just an occasional admirer of the man’s work, it’s worth noting I’ve rarely seen Corbett as animated as he’s been about the Covid agenda. This itself is a telling observation, Corbett being a man who’s otherwise composed and in command of his ‘brief’. From Microsoft to microbes of the life-threatening kind, from viruses of the digital to the less metaphorical kind, Corbett’s own finely tuned doubt antennae have rendered us a compelling portrait of Gates and his backstory, along with the myth, his agenda, and his highly suspect ‘business model’ for humanity and the planet.
Once such realities are revealed, a more profound sense of doubt kicks in and again impels us to question most if not all aspects of the Covid phenomenon. Not least of these are the disruptive and destructive edicts, impositions, mandates and directives we have come to accept from those purporting to manage the ‘crisis’ in our best interests. The wearing of masks, the lockdowns, the social distancing, the border closures, the quarantining, and the self-isolation are a few of countless examples. This, to say nothing of the vexed matter of the compulsorily imposed, genetically engineered, highly experimental—and exclusive—pandemic panacea the mRNA “vaccine”, the long-term negative side effects of which are of a supremely unknown quantity.
To be sure, this purportedly philanthropic—and on its face off-piste—career ‘sea-change’ for one of the world’s richest, most ruthless of capitalists had many folks reassessing their views of the man. After experiencing a ‘come to me Lord’ moment, Gates had reportedly recalibrated his values, mended his ‘wicked’ ways’, and set out on the long road to redemption, one which he presumably felt would, like St Paul on the road to Damascus, lead him to a higher moral ground and a ‘salvation’ of sorts.
Seems fair enough! Using one’s massive, ill-gotten fortune to eradicate the world’s diseases, reduce poverty, economic inequality and social inequities, and in general make the planet a better place for the masses (of whom paradoxically it needs be noted there are far too many in the ‘gospel’ according to Gates), sounds like a wonderful idea, a selfless goal, taking the whole concept of noblesse oblige to another level entirely. Some might say it is quixotic, though in his case sans ‘the Don’s’ altruism, suit of armour, sceptical wing-man, and trusty steed. It seems to have worked a treat.
Yet to coin an apt phrase, one must be in Gates’ case, ‘beware of geeks (sic) bearing gifts’.
To reiterate, there are many who didn’t buy Bill’s ‘bill of goods’ from the off, and herein remain consistent still; as noted even more now are, if not rejecting it outright, applying suitable mechanisms of doubt. Put simply, we didn’t need the test results back from the lab to tell us there are rodents in this particular pot of gravy. Others doubtless (sorry), especially those who’ve had the jab and have experienced serious side effects or people they know have done, are now experiencing a different kind of side-effect: namely chronic buyers remorse.
For those doing so, the Covid agenda has revealed in varying degrees Gates’ apparent Damascene-like conversion all those years ago to all-round good guy, the prince of the pathogenic epoch—in his case, the penultimate humanitarian of our age, making John D Rockefeller look like a curmudgeonly ‘scrooge’ even after his not dissimilar re-baptism back in the day—as a fraud, a chimera of charitable intent. (Much as Rockefeller’s was too. A story for another time.)
Few people though one imagines have transformed the act of giving away their (ahem) ‘hard-earned’ such a consummately profitable business model, who by most accounts has doubled his fortune in the past two years. One only needs to follow the money, or ask: Who benefits? Cui bono? as we say. As with 9/11, the dramatis personae in Covid’s ‘cattle-call’ of beneficiaries is a ‘deMillean’ cast of thousands, and then some! Not least the man himself it would appear. The parasitic and predatory profiteers of angst and adversity and the misfortune of others we might observe are rarely in short supply!
SIDEBAR: Bill Gates’ glorified ‘wingman’ Dr Anthony “Gain-of-Function” Fauci is perhaps the prime example of this profiteering, if only because his parasitic track record of accumulating massive private wealth from the pain, misery and the suffering of others extends back almost five decades to the HIV/AIDS era. I will examine Fauci in future outings. Suffice to say he’s been feathering his own nest for some time, skimming off whatever he could get away with like some high-flying, ‘be-blinged’ Vegas casino pit-boss/wise-guy who would go the extra mile to ensure the marks were never cut an even break.
In the interim, readers are strongly urged to seek out Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s no-holds-barred new book on Fauci, Gates and many more of those “profiteers” with whom they’re in cahoots. This exposé is but one tome which meticulously chronicles the myriad, Byzantine conflicts of interest and criminal corruption that runs amok like a malignant, metastasised cancer right throughout the monolithic scientific, medical, and pharmaceutical establishment (the SMP complex?).
And whilst a more complete picture of the ultimate goals and ambitions of the BMG Foundation, along with the agendas of its various franchisees, partners and subsidiaries—without exception it seems obvious, all of them parasitic by nature and opportunistic by inclination—might remain unclear for some, it’s enough to say that if its much-touted altruistic aims are to be accepted, there is more work to be done. In the PR sphere that is. Even if the results thus far of this unprecedented propaganda cum social engineering gambit are, to say the least, very impressive indeed.
Public relations (one of whose notable pioneers was no less than Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays, who leveraged to stunning effect his uncle’s revolutionary conclusions about the inner contraption that is the human mind), doesn’t as a rule seek to provide impartial insights into contemporary events for the benefit of humanity. It is about manipulating (sorry, managing) our perceptions of people, situation, events and circumstance, and doing so by deception, either by the selective omission of facts, realities and relevant details, or by misinformation or disinformation (simply, the commission of lies and blatant untruths), or both, in each case!
This ‘alchemical’ myth-making aims to poison—indeed mutate—the core narrative of our history, as well as corrupt the more contemporary political and civic discourse. And it does a very good job of this! I can say this with a measure of authority as I’ve an insider’s grasp of how public relations works, a previous life having afforded me such. Being able to correlate one’s own knowledge of history in general (see Sidebar below*) with the history of PR, propaganda (and its equally evil twin, censorship) and how it has become such an all encompassing, insidiously omnipotent force governing the management of our political economy, our society—and our political consciousness—provides us such insight.
SIDEBAR*: It’s no accident that our history textbooks frequently use newspaper reports from the era under study—more readily available and accessible, and appropriately sanitised in compliance with the demands of the official historical version of events—so as to underscore the narrative for the students in question. If the news accounts of the time reported this, “it must be true!” Q: How do I know this? A: I used to be a high-school teacher, and worked also in the textbook publishing business for many years. Our education system as a whole is as much a part of the machinery of myth-making as is Hollywood and the broader media constructs.
For those who might challenge the substance and utility of Freud’s insights into the human condition warts and all, the effectiveness of PR is the best evidence we have that the fabled former Viennese ‘shrink’ at least in this respect knew his id from his superego. We might even go so far to say that whatever values remained of the heritage bequeathed to us by the so-named Age of Enlightenment were subverted by Freud’s conclusions around two hundred years later. Perhaps more accurately, it was their application in the political, economic, social, educational and business spheres for purposes and motives that had little to do with enlightenment, reason and rational thinking and much to do with their antithesis, that may have been the real fly in the ointment all along.
True, one does not need a post-doctoral degree in Freudian psycho-analytical theory to deduce when the devious forces of PR are in play and how they play out. A modicum of “aggressive common sense” will do it. To paraphrase the American writer Henry Thoreau, ‘Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find carp in your cornflakes.’ Sadly, our “common sense” is not as ubiquitous as we give ourselves credit for or as the phrase suggests, even less “aggressive” than it needs be. But appreciating the long-term, sub rosa, ripple effects of these forces is another thing entirely.
What Gates and Co. have presented thus far is a masterclass in the insuperable, corrosive power of PR, and its preternatural capacity to induce in the populace desired doubts, insecurities and fears and from there, control opinion and/or manufacture out of thin air the consent—the credulous acquiescence, the irrepressible arousal—of the misgoverned. In the view of many (though it barely needs mentioning, nowhere near a critical mass), humanity’s ‘criss du génération’ has ‘unmasked’ the Gates’s real motives and their earnest, over-arching game-plan. A game plan always cloaked in a patina of altruism and benevolence, or simply crude paternalism.
In squarely assessing the Covid phenomena then, one is struck by any number of conclusions—as inescapable as they’re disturbing—about the forces driving it, and about our collective reaction to these forces. As noted (but cannot be over emphasised), the first is our recidivistic disposition to recycle ‘fashionable’ ideas after they’ve embedded themselves in the deeper recesses of our cognitive backyards. We embrace such edicts from on high like sermons upon the mount, without a great deal (if any) of critical thought, analysis or, again, simple, homespun doubt. Our acceptance of, and belief in, the edicts from on high as noted by John Gray earlier being little more than faith-based.
In this, our education system is to be sure, a main culprit. As someone who’s spent (another) previous life as a professional educator, for your ‘humble’ that much is a given. Whilst this’ll be the subject of a future, deeper reflection on the root causes of our current malaise, suffice to say there’s little provision within the modern curriculum for the encouragement of critical thought (in this writer’s view, akin to the opposable thumb of the mind ), the terrain having been purposely—yet surreptitiously—well-tilled and seeded to this end over several decades. (Ralston Saul doubtless would term “critical thinking” ‘aggressive common sense’.)
Beyond formal education itself, other forces come into play to be sure, not least our media. Thus our “worldview” remains forever unchallenged, unchanged. It needs be noted that along with deftly positioning himself amongst the medical and health fraternity as the ‘go-to’ global guru on public health policy in general and the dangers of contagious diseases in particular, Bill Gates has cemented this reputation by assiduously courting (i.e. bribing) the establishment media and the reigning political classes and their patrons in unstinting support of the BMG Foundation’s highly questionable agenda. More than that, Gates has bankrolled the media—lock, stock, & barrel—to all intents insofar as reportage on Covid matters are concerned. The corporate media is less his harem than it is his own personal global ‘knock-shop’ franchise!
And though the COVID thing represents the best evidence we have of how we’re being misinformed and from there (mis)governed in the here and now, it serves as a reliable index of how we might be so governed in the future. This much is clear: they’ll keep ‘pushing the envelope’ in this regard until our mailboxes are overflowing. A casual examination of some of the most consequential events, turning points and critical developments in history is enough for the discerning doubter to appreciate this. Though it might go without saying, as indicated by then it most likely will be too late. (Here again Corbett’s excellent reportage on 9/11 is as illuminating as it is thorough.)
— In the Land of the Infected (None so Blind) —
Now those not persuaded by the preceding views may wish to ‘get out more’, to use the vernacular. Which is to say we need to awaken to the brain-numbing barrage of propaganda on the one hand, and stifling censorship on the other to which we’ve been subjected for many years: this Orwellian milieu has expanded exponentially since the emergence of this so-called crisis. For his part, Gates himself just recently reiterated calls for increased censorship of social media as his bad fairy-tale begins to crumble around him, his greatest fear his ‘subjects’—his hitherto captive audience as it were—will finally en masse get hip to his naked, malevolent, nightmarish ambition. One which far for the record far transcends his pathological obsession with germs and needles.
It’s as if then our critical thinking skills (at least those remaining from our parlous educational experience) have been anaesthetised then surgically removed in slow-motion and by remote control. It’s amounted to what can only be described as psychological warfare of the asymmetrical kind, where in this instance the stronger power determines to have the upper hand, and is well positioned to achieve and maintain it.
As one writer reveals, this trend towards increasing censorship, surveillance and secrecy is now very much an exponential work in progress, the latter possibly not being the most appropriate word given the direction of the zeitgeist. To the degree notions of transparency and accountability are in play, the miscreants driving these events and developments are now more open (or less embarrassed or apologetic) about being caught out, and increasingly more immune even when they are called out. (See here, here, here, here, and here for more on this.)
The perpetrators and sources of propaganda and censorship for their part are many and various: They run the gamut from global and regional foundations, commissions, movements, and assorted agenda driven organisations to national, state and provincial governments; [to] the corporate (mainstream) media along with the intelligence and security agencies; lobby groups, think tanks, NGOs; Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Arms et. al.; and myriad other private and public institutions and vested interests, including even our regulatory bodies and legislative assemblies. If only we could have a vaccine to inoculate our psyches against this cognitive onslaught, this pernicious social engineering and politically tainted virulence!
This operant conditioning (or programming), a euphemism for old-school brainwashing, albeit utilising more sophisticated technological and psychological instruments, is designed to elicit a false consensus effect (or bias) in people, whereby they ‘see their own behavioural choices and judgments as relatively common and appropriate to existing circumstances’.
In other words, we accept our personal characteristics, beliefs, responses, values, perceptions, attitudes etc., as being relatively widespread and rational throughout the general populace, and we react in kind, something of a herd mentality one suspects. It’s ’go along to get along’! Once the “herd mentality” (aka the “hive mind” is in play, there is no such thing as herd immunity. (Think wildebeests here, or perhaps lemmings might be the more fitting metaphor).
Jung himself warned of the ‘politico-social delusional systems’ and ‘monkey tricks’ politicians use to ‘poison the utterly incompetent mind of the masses.’ Less lofty in tone, yet perhaps more pithily, the popular (and brilliant) British satirist and fantasy novelist the late Terry Pratchett acutely observed: ‘…the IQ of a mob is the IQ of its most stupid member divided by the number of mobsters’. Aristotle’s oft-cited postulate that ‘nature abhors a vacuum’ may have its discontents; what’s inarguable is that this is where stupidity finds its natural habitat, and ignorance its idyll.
Such promiscuous acquiescence on our part can be stimulated by sub rosa, yet still seductive means, like predictive programming. This is very much the wheelhouse of the film and television entertainment business (Hollywood essentially) to be sure. According to one writer Alan Watt, such are
‘…[I]deas which would otherwise be seen as bizarre, vulgar, undesirable or impossible are inserted into films [as] fantasy. When the viewer watches these films, his/her mind is left open to suggestion and the conditioning process begins.’
Hollywood has been called the ‘dream factory’, ironic on many levels, especially as it is no slouch in the (pre) fabrication of nightmares and dystopian possibilities, even inevitabilities. That it does so purportedly for our ‘entertainment’ is doubly ironic. (Here we might again think of the events of 9/11. See here also.)
Predictive programming is often deemed the proprietary domain of the much put upon “conspiracy theorist”, Watt and his ilk being dismissed as such. The epithet has always been and remains the de rigueur response from those who ‘man the barricades’ at any suggestion the official narrative of events past and present may not be kosher. Or they do so because they’ve spent too much time playing ‘fetch’ as it were with the occupants of Ivan Pavlov’s kennels!
As with such theories, whether they turn out to be true or not (we know many do in fact; see here, here, and here just for starters), coincidence plays a key role in how we determine what’s a conspiracy and what’s not. (As eminent British author and political correspondent Douglas Reed once drily opined—in a book aptly titled Smoke and Smother—‘coincidence is ever on the side of the conspirators…’).
Though by no means the best, best known, or the only one, an exemplar of such programming (akin to ‘tilling the soil’), is the 2008 British film Doomsday—a dystopian, nihilistic, viral-apocalypse gore-fest of the first order. The central ‘character’ in this ‘schlock-shock’ flick is the aptly named “Reaper” virus, the arrival and impact of which decimates the population and splits the UK in two under martial law. It then ‘disappears’, only to ‘mysteriously’ resurface thirty years later. By this time, we’re living the nightmare! Cue the darkness then, in the land of the infected.
Slickly made—with a plot that on its face stretches plausibility and replete with over-the-top action scenes rivalling the Mad Max (aka Road Warrior) films and their ilk, only with lethal badass germs and a cast of infected zombie-like thousands a la The Living Dead roaming the desolate landscape, the film does what it says on the box. Although I didn’t see Bill Gates’ name in the credits (OK, I didn’t check; but ‘technical adviser’ or ‘creative consultant’ anyone?), it was like so many others of its ilk, scripted and produced to transcend mere edge-of-your-seat, pop-corn entertainment, albeit on a subliminal level.
(AUTHOR NOTE: See here for the “Top Ten” in the genre; and yes, it is a “genre”. Further, Jon Rappoport’s excellent article here on same is well worth investigating.)
There was a message in the film to be sure, and it wasn’t necessarily a cautionary tale about capricious microbes waiting to bushwhack us on our evolutionary path and eradicate us all before we do same to ourselves by other more mundane, self destructive means. What makes this film relevant herein is the political agenda that drives much of the action.
Now everyone loves a good conspiracy theory it seems, no less do we love a ‘good guy’ v ‘bad guy’ yarn where the former dispatches the latter to hell in a hand-basket at the point of denouement and ‘gets the girl’ in the final scene (as it were). It’s only when we step back into the real world that we have trouble telling the good guys from the bad guys, such as entertaining, less so accepting, the obvious conspiratorial propensities amongst those in whom we place so much trust. This even after it becomes painfully obvious. What makes us think Covid might just be any different? This question need not be rhetorical.
Yet for uncanny prescience of the pathogenic kind in apocalyptic fictional conspiratorial plotting, it is Israeli Hamutal Shabtai who should get the big nod. Over 23 years ago she wrote a book—largely unheralded—about the emergence of a Covid-like pandemic, set in 2020. Imaginatively titled 2020, this novel was according to Raul Diego of MintPress News, originally written as a film script. Said Diego:
‘Shabtai… predicts the state of the world today as a result of the counter-measures with uncanny accuracy and foretells of a society ravaged by a virus, which ushers in a “global health dictatorship”’.
Sound familiar? And for those unaware of the origins of the “conspiracy theory” construct as used in the pejorative (it almost always is), it’s time to bring oneself up to speed. Look no further than the CIA’s infamous Operation Mockingbird, the most enduring, well-documented, successful psychological operation (‘psy-op’) ever concocted by “The Company”, one enthusiastically embraced by all Western intelligence and security agencies and their governments. An oldie to be sure as we say, but a ‘goodie’ nonetheless. They’ve been dining out on it for over seventy years. And we’ve been picking up the tab. (See here, here and here for more information on OpMock).
The phrase “conspiracy theorist” was a purpose-built off-shoot of OpMock and its attendant illusions. So effective has this ‘psy-op’ been, it has prevailed against our political enlightenment over three generations, shows little sign of wearing out its welcome. It moreover provides us additional evidence if indeed required that Freud knew his psycho-shit from his shinola. It’s been the perfect (sorry) vaccine against doubt, the latter as earlier noted being the virus that most scares our political and power elites. For his part Gates appears increasingly unhinged by all the Covid naysayers (the doubting Thomases?), with as already noted him recently decrying “conspiracy theorists” and their “crazy, evil” accusations, with him predictably calling for more censorship.
And all this is without mentioning MK-ULTRA (aka Artichoke aka Bluebird), the same agency’s bizarre, diabolical, deadly, mind-control and brainwashing plots, schemes, programs, and experiments. This is a program the bulk of the records of which the CIA reportedly destroyed—by some accounts—in the early seventies. But this author doesn’t buy that theory the files were all destroyed, especially coming from an organisation whose core remit is lying! (See here, here, and here.) Even if the names might’ve changed, that the overarching (and we might say, overreaching) goals of both of the above name-checked programs are still in play is something we should, indeed must, take as a given. The evidence is there for all to see. (See here for a report on the role played by the CIA in planning the global response to Covid.)
We are then via real-time surveillance faced with the prospect of more and more intrusions into, and dispossession of, our privacy—propelled by full frontal assaults on and outright rejections of our presumed entitlements in this respect. (That they are in the process of repossessing our remaining security and our sense thereof is something few folks seem to get. A story for another time). This is especially so with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), genetic modification (GM) and 5G intelligence and data mining and manipulation technologies. (To say little of the nuclear option that is in the offing—namely central bank digital currencies and digital ID.)
I’m reliably informed by an associate, a long-time career computer engineer no less, who sees a dark future for humanity herein. In the main, such technologies may present as many benefits and downsides; but human nature being what it is (i.e. all too human), the track record on so many levels speaks volumes, at least for those without hearing or comprehension issues, and with some rudimentary knowledge of history. Or just some basic recall of past events.
And if technological progress might loosely be defined as taking two steps forward and one step back, then how do we so define taking one step forward, and two steps back? The question need not be rhetorical! (To paraphrase the T-Shirt meme and in keeping with the themes already outline earlier, we might rightly be far more concerned about natural stupidity than artificial intelligence!)
In this Brave New World meets 1984 future then, such technologies will come to rule, direct, psychologically orchestrate, socially engineer, behaviourally manage, and genetically manipulate every aspect of our lives. We can reasonably surmise this is one of the key motives for—and objectives of—those associated with its rollout and the grandiosely branded Great Reset. (Worth noting here is the following definition of the word “reset”.)
Human nature moreover has a track record of going off-track, and it is not one overly defined by circumspection, forward thinking, altruism, a robust collective morality, a sound ethical foundation, or a broad consideration of the public weal. If it can all be monetised along with being weaponised all the better. Which it is and will be going forward. Of that we can be sure.

Though space prohibits an in-depth discussion of such, it’s worth mentioning at this point the widely perceived connections between the timing of the rollout of 5G and the arrival of Covid. It’s enough to say that one credible observer—Robert F Kennedy Jr.—foresees a “catastrophe” for humanity. For him, there are no “mights” or “maybes” about it, no “ands’, “ifs” or buts”.
It is instructive that he made this comment in the context of talking about pandemics, vaccines and the like. But he was clearly alluding to the possible environmental and health blowback from rolling out this scandalously untested technology. (See also here.) And it would seem that Covid has brought into sharp relief the corruption and avarice of our once trusted medical science and healthcare professions.
Kennedy has been and remains one of the most articulate and principled advocates for more accountability and transparency within and across the broad medical, pharmaceutical, healthcare, health insurance, health science and scientific research and associated regulatory domains. He attends his message with a no punches pulled indictment of the widespread, deep-seated conflicts of vested interests therein, and the rampant abuse and neglect of the public trust he sees as being out of control in these spheres.
In a lengthy interview last year, Kennedy gave vent to all of the above and then some. Whilst the main focus was on Covid and the disturbing implications for our future, his views extended to the numerous issues which accompany Covid or are attenuated with it. There are any number of reveals in this wide-ranging discussion and RFK’s son—a litigation lawyer, safe vaccine advocate, and environmental activist—was ‘all over his brief’ as it were.
Like the Corbett revelations on Gates, this interview provides invaluable insights. (Similar to many who share his beliefs, Kennedy has stated that contrary to ‘popular opinion’, he is not against vaccines but advocates they be more thoroughly tested and investigated prior to rollout. This is something the pharmaceutical industry has an appalling track record in: putting the roll-out cart before the testing horse.)
One striking example amongst countless others providing further evidence of the misinformation and disinformation that is the hallmark of the perpetual motion propaganda and censorship machine that has been purpose built to keep the official narrative on track is the following. Dr. Roger Hodkinson, who is Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, is also CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta and Chairman of a medical biotechnology company seeking to enter the vaccination market. On its face this looks a typical conflict of interest of the type referred to earlier.
Yet in a video (originally posted on Youtube, but tellingly censored by YT shortly thereafter), Hodkinson decried the ‘utterly unfounded’ hysteria surrounding Covid, which he said was ‘driven by the media and politicians’. Along with calling it ‘the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspected public’, Hodkinson declared the ‘crisis’ as nothing more than ‘a bad flu season. It’s politics playing medicine and that’s a very dangerous game.’ He further added:
‘There’s no action needed…Masks are utterly useless. There’s no evidence at all they’re even effective. It’s utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless…[T]he risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000…the response utterly ridiculous.’
— Quarantining Humanity (Useless Eaters & Useful Idiots)
To sum up: If we relinquish our freedom of action and movement to the pandemic priesthood and supplant our individual thoughts and speech with the rote narratives that attend their agendas, we do so at our own peril. We are in effect dispensing with one of the most effective tools of defence in the smoke-filled ‘wilderness of mirrors’ (located as it is inside a cacophonous echo chamber) that passes for reality. This being one in which we all too readily assume will present greater opportunities for us, our families and descendants to pursue, attain, then lead full, free, productive, meaningful lives.
This chimerical construct has been purpose-built to reflect and echo a reality of their own making. This pseudo-reality has been with us for some time and remains a work in progress. One hardly needs to be a logician or a life-time member of MENSA to detect the vicious circularity of this existential malaise, and we are but bit players performing in this surreal danse macabre, this cosmic, mordantly ironic, nihilistic theatre of the absurd, one directed by criminal sociopaths and choreographed by the certifiably insane.
Indeed, one imagines that if we placed Kurt Vonnegut, George Orwell, Jonathan Swift, Aldous Huxley, Franz Kafka, and Lewis Carroll in a room along with the remaining members of Monty Python (the latter to orchestrate the proceedings) and charged them all with the task of spitballing a possible future trajectory for humanity at large, it would still read like a utopian vision writ large. Or small, depending on your viewpoint. It would not compete with Covid and the larger, longer-term game plan of which it is a central part.
We sacrifice all this then for what is rapidly approaching in extremis, something of a devolution of humanity, characterised by soulless economic determinism, technological tyranny, social engineering, genetic manipulation, political absolutism, psychological alienation, and a spiritual ennui unimagined in even the most conceivable of dystopian, nihilistic futures. The mythical deities of Grecian antiquity combined, from Zeus himself on down the mountain, might hardly have marshalled much less manifested, this much narcissistic hubris towards, and disdain for, their mortal constituents and/or presumed omnipotence over them.
Brought into sharp relief by Covid, this entrenched institutional corruption, deception and fraud is prevalent and ongoing at the highest levels in both the private and public realms of our political economy. As always seems to be the case, the corporate (or establishment) media—the glue that holds the whole rapacious, anarcho-capitalist, ‘free market’, globalist narrative construct in place—have outdone themselves in this regard; after all the Russia-gate farce, some folks might’ve expected this to be a hard act to follow. But follow it they did, doubling down and being even more brazen about it.
With each passing day, more high-profile and/or authoritative personalities are beginning to speak up about the “psychic dangers” posed by the Covid crisis, and the manner in which it has been managed. One such person is German author Eckhart Tolle. To take our discussion full circle, the following is appropriate I believe. During a recent lecture on the subject of adversity (an apposite title for the age in which we live perhaps?), Tolle delivers some poignant, potent comments on the Coronavirus hysteria.
In this two-parter, “Awakening Through Adversity,” the following are just a few of the points he covers:
The collective ‘hive mind’ and the spread of ‘mind viruses’;
How the collective mind is projected through social and mainstream media;
How sensationalism in mainstream media drives the ‘crisis’ narrative;
How we can be more conscious of mainstream media manipulation.
In these uncertain times, Tolle’s views on the Covid upheaval are worth listening to.
As a fitting coda to our ruminations then, the following might also be apt. Insofar as COVID goes—and any plot dreamed up by hidden agenda-driven intriguers designed to serve their own interests or those in whose service [they’re] being amply rewarded—we’re looking down the barrel of not so much a medical, health, and/or social crisis (as bespoke as it is). We’re facing nothing less than what we might term a blood poisoning of the body politic.
It’s all but a fait accompli that we now accept it is their interests that will always come first, with trust in our political, public and private institutions having declined precipitously with this half-assed realisation. But we rarely seem to stop what we’re doing, and consider the implications of that. Until that mistrust is converted into critical mass action, we’re on a hiding to nothing.
Which is to say, we’ll face two choices, both of which are something of the Hobson’s variety. We either become one of Vladimir Lenin’s “useful idiots” in the service of this all-out assault on democracy, the public weal, and humanity. Or we end up one of Henry Kissinger’s “useless eaters”. The ‘choice’ is ours until such time as it is no longer.
If only we could embrace doubt with as much enduring enthusiasm and effect as we do the purported good intentions of those who rule over us. If only…
© Greg Maybury, December 20, 2021 (Revised and updated, original version published 31 January, 2021)
Author’s Heads Up: I’ve been doing this thing for awhile, and have never sought nor received anything for the efforts. For many reasons it’s uncertain I can continue. For those folks who like what I do and can support ongoing efforts, then below you will see details of how you might make a contribution. As anyone who’s out there fighting the good fight will tell you, it is not an easy gig, with the likelihood of it becoming even harder in future a ‘dead cert’. This is especially if the powers that be have their way; believe me, they’re trying! If you’ve come this far, you know what I’m talking about. As they say, all donations gratefully accepted.
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Thank you for writing this essay. I agree with with all of what you are saying. I am familiar with most of the individuals you cite. James Corbett does a wonderful job of detailing his research with FACTS. His documentaries about Rockafellers, Gates and family, WW1 and more helped me dig for more. For you, James and many, many others I know your hope is that more of the "body politic", meaning those who think they know what they are doing when the vote, purchase goods and services will shake loose some "commonsense", or critical thinking. I have begun to realize just how bad the censorship issue really is. People look at me as if I am completely off my rocker and am a CT, and why do I spend so much time looking for answers to the most important issues facing humanity (they don't think humanity is in such dire straights).
Long before Covid I became concerned about not being able to access useful information from the internet. So far that agonizing, head scratching inability to locate information has not been too, too terrible as I have accumulated the writings of so many "truth-tellers". As far back as 2014 when I came up on John Rappaport and Catherine Austin Fitts I knew I had found gold.
Wow, great piece!
I am not so fond of the “for my taste “ to politically correct and soft Corbett report , but your article is once again a master piece. “Brilliant” .
Thx for sharing it and for allowing others to do the same.