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This article gathers a wide array of evidence for its thesis of what might be called the international Jewish warmonger complex. The only Jewish Nazi left out of the mix is George Soros, the billionaire whose first job was looting the assets of fellow Jews sent off to the gas ovens. The bellicosity of the mostly-Jewish neocons led to much needless loss of life and diverted trillions of dollars to slaughter. The role of Jewish women in promoting this slaughter is especially unseemly, as noted in my post here: https://peterdanielmiller.substack.com/p/if-life-is-sacred?sd=pf

The warmongers are still at it in Ukraine. Yet this article of Giraldi's fits disturbingly into the mold of blaming the Jews, per se, for all the world's ills. That meme leads directly (back) to the gas chambers of recent memory. It's dangerous to characterize an entire ethnic group for the irresponsible acts of some of its more privileged members. A more responsible regard for consequences would lead us to criticize the policies themselves, irrespective of the ethnic makeup of their proponents.

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