I do not know how I missed this substack of yours, but thank you for pointing me to it.

“…the most cunning on earth and that they have graduated to masters of negotiation … “ … and media manipulation …

And then, there is the vassal state called the U.S., which is going to take the fall for cooperating, indeed implementing, such evil. And then we must ask, who is pulling the strings of the apparent puppet masters themselves. I think we know the answer … you said it in the beginning of your article when you mentioned “bankers” ….

Thanks so much Greg, and many thanks to Preparata as well — two people who are calm and focused when all about them are losing their heads.

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Very good article thank you.

I would anyway point out to other reasons and means behind the world wars.

1 adolf was a rothshield. “alois hitler, father of adolf, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber and Baron rothschild.”

2 the reason behind world war two was to give europe to russia, when adolf hiedler “his father’s real “adoptive” name” realized that also Germany was going to be given to the bolsheviks, he actuated operation barbarossa.

He so invaded Russia to stop the anglo american plan to destroy Europe, and to protect not just Germany, but the all of Europe.

3 when the war was over, the british and the americans did not bring freedom and democracy to Europe, but instead more martial laws, borders within countries, as well as giving all of east Europe to Russia and complaining to Russia for not taking more territories.

4 to learn about the names of the families responsible for such war, one should investigate the first covert operation by the british cabal, carried out to destroy a European kingdom which had surpassed in richness the british empire, “ the Kingdom of the due Sicilie”

Those are some points which in my opinion should be further investigated and addressed in order to provide a more comprehensive view of the picture.

And yes, every war is a banker’s war, and if you follow the money you can reach the doorsteps of their bunkers.

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Sol Son, 🙏Thankyou for the feedback. Some the information you’ve put forward I’m aware of, but I had to broadly limit my discussion to that which was presented in Guido’s book. I was also limited by a self-imposed word count and the brief I prepare for myself before writing. Pray tell, what is “the Kingdom of the due Sicilie”? Send me a link so I might further explore. 🙏😎👍

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Thank you Greg for the great article, here a link to an article which investigates the destruction of this once tiny but richest kingdom on the planet of which you for obvious reasons “if you are not a mason” may have never heard of.


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