G’day Michael, Many 🙏 for this information. Some of it will be familiar to me, and will need some time to explore the rest further.

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More of my research Greg:

Christopher Bollyn "The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror” (1:58:00)


Menachem Begin, the terrorist founder of Israel's ruling Likud party, bragged about being "the father of terrorism in all the world."


Expose and remember the USS Liberty scam!


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You are in dire need of an editor.

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🙏👍. Dear “Times”, Thanks for reaching out to provide your considered feedback. Along with not seeking out the services of an editor (my bad), perhaps I was even more remiss from the get go by not adding a caveat of sorts for folks of your disposition. If you’re a) a time poor individual, or b) your attention span is a tad truncated (I can only presume your complaint was prompted by your good self being one or the other), is you may wish to seek that “food for thought” elsewhere in the future. Meaning? My work may not be for you. (At least you might console yourself by knowing you’re not a paid subscriber. 🤣)

Prior to making that call, on the matter of (ahem) balancing the mundane demands of modern day life and the desire to seek informed, thoughtful, in-depth commentary about important events, themes and ideas, the (unedited) words of the estimable Aldous Huxley below are worth noting. I can only trust they open up for your good self a different perspective the next time you see fit to tender feedback to those of us attempting in our own unique manner to provide that “informed, thoughtful, in-depth commentary”. 👍👉👀😉😙

🗣️ ‘…However elegant and memorable, brevity can never, in the nature of things, do justice to all the facts of a complex situation. On such a theme one can be brief only by omission and simplification. Omission and simplification help us to understand—but help us, in many cases, to understand the wrong thing; for our comprehension may be only of the abbreviator's neatly formulated notions, not of the vast, ramifying reality from which these notions have been so arbitrarily abstracted.’

We good comrade? 😎

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Editing for clarity, not length.

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Fascinating writings . I do not share the religious point of views cause I am strongly opposing any kind of belief. Nevertheless I do share your moral compass, and essentially, your concerns and political point of view .

I would like to invite you to try to read the first unedited instalments of my book “Holy diet” while they are still up for free.

If you can manage to read my pore English, In my book you will find out things which you may have never heard about before, and an explanation of the true roots of that very same evil you are talking about.

I must warn you though, cause it will most likely blow your mind.

If you do are able to read what I wrote, lett me know your thoughts about it

Mean while thanks for sharing and good wishes for a speedy recovery

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More of my research Greg:

The Israel Lobby Archive


The Lobby USA - Abridged - Censored Documentary Exposing The Israel Lobby In The U.S. (1:07:35)


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Also Greg just fyi be aware of this:

"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." -Julian Assange

July 19 2010


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Greg thank you for tagging me in your recent article about the Lies and Crimes of Zionism. I am reading it now. I wish to share with you some research I put together from being one of the admins of a facebook group called General Truth News. (I no longer help watch over that group since facebook censorship got worse.)

Anyway, if you find anything wrong with any of this information please let me know.

Share WW I & II Truth for Peace

Click "MORE" below each video to see the additional information.


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Michael, Sorry I've not corresponded sooner. I've been unwell for the past few weeks. I hope to be able to explore the above links in more detail as soon as I fully recover. 🙏🏼GM

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I understand Greg. I need to take good breaks sometimes too after 14 years of learning and sharing the best truth I can.

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Thanks very much for this! I have been looking for something like this to read for a long time. This is really helping fill in the gaps.

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This has left a deep impression in me, and I'll be reading the next post straight away! Thank you SO MUCH for your knowledge and your fabulous eloquence!

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This has left a deep impression in me, and I'll be reading the next post straight away! Thank you SO MUCH for your knowledge and your fabulous eloquence!

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Brilliant. Am reading ‘The Controversy of Zion’ at the moment. A big question that remains unanswered is the emergence of Islam using similar strategies to Judaism.

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Thanks for this great essay, contains an abundance of eloquently served food for thought. Looking forward to catching up on your other posts, I only discovered this publication today.

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“the Bible is talking about the people of Abraham, which are a spiritual people who have accepted their king: Jesus. It’s not a people group one is born into, but a people group you join by pledging your allegiance to Jesus. So is standing with Israel a biblical concept? No…the stronger biblical case would be standing in opposition to Israel’s ungodly behavior.” THIS IS GARBAGE. Jesus came long after Abraham. If you look up the Jewish belief in the Messiah & the Messianic Age you will see this makes no sense. Along with a myriad of other things in this substack to numerous to go into. As usual it takes a non Jew to explain what is a Jew. 🤬

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Leslie, I have no idea of what you’re talking about. Perhaps a little more contextual coherence might be helpful in me understanding where you’re coming from.

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Great essay! and should be circulate to all schools.

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