Readers, I sent this letter to the manager of the clinic I attend to visit my doctor. It is a followup to a letter I sent to my doctor on 17th January (See link here) which she has not responded to. I did not identify my doctor in the original letter, nor the clinic (or practice) she was employed by.
This time I identify both. I also now feel it’s time we began calling our own doctors and health care professionals out on their stand on this charade. It’s the least we can do. Beyond that, I think it largely speaks for itself. GM. [Author Note: This letter has been repurposed as an article, but the original message remains intact.]
From: Greg Maybury
Date: 2 February 2022 at 16:56:20 AWST
Subject: Karen Kingston (former Pfizer Senior Biotech Analyst/Whistleblower) “delivers PROOF” the Covid Vaccines were Created to KILL Children!
For the Urgent Attention: Jodie Pain, The Practice Manager, GPs on Bayview
c.c. Katie Cooper, all doctors and staff
Dear Jodie…
First some background. I recently became a patient at your clinic, with Dr Cooper as my attending physician. On the 17th of January I communicated to her via email certain issues and concerns, mostly pertaining to those raised hereafter. I’d suggest you obtain a copy of that email and read that. FYI, As of this writing, I’ve not received a response. Given the grave concerns expressed therein, this is disappointing, though I have to say not surprising. [Author note: That original letter can be viewed in the link here].
This time I’m contacting you directly in the hope I’ll receive a considered formal reply, one that provides me a clear picture of where the clinic stands on the issues and concerns mentioned. As will be revealed, there is another aim in writing to you, which is to send a message: This “message” is one which you and your team will be well advised to take on board, if not indeed act on.
Along with reading my letter to Dr Cooper, I draw your attention to the presentation/interview in the link above. I strongly urge you to watch this, and bring it to the attention of all your staff. Though it speaks for itself, it should create significant concern with your staff, and invite a deeper debate about the issues raised. It is important to note it is only one of countless pointers emerging from around the world to what is unfolding at present. And what’s unfolding amongst other things is an unprecedented global medical scandal the fallout from which will linger for years if not decades.
Concomitant with that statement, it is also a pointer to the global awakening taking place amongst ordinary people from all walks of life to the medical tyranny. This tyranny is one which respective governments, authorities and institutions have been trying for two years to arbitrarily foist on people, their families, their social networks, their businesses, their workplaces, and their communities. All this without due process or public debate, or anything like a public health cost-benefit analysis. It’s notable this “awakening” is also taking place amongst an increasing number of medical and healthcare professionals themselves. I personally know many of these people, some relatives and old friends.
This grossly inflated, calculated, yet nonetheless carefully planned and choreographed public health crisis is coming to an end, the contrived, fraudulent narrative supporting it unraveling as I write this. After two long years, it is in the process of finally being exposed for what it has always represented. It’s a shame about the body count though!
Now I can say all this confidently as I’ve been proactive now throughout this time in my efforts in drawing people’s attention to the fraud that is the Covid “pandemic”. I’ve also been monitoring events and developments along the way, and working alongside many other like-minded people both here in Australia and internationally in raising awareness.
As to the aforesaid video presentation, whether you choose to take on board the information it offers for consideration is up to you. But viewing it I believe should be made an urgent priority if you truly have the interests of your practice, your staff, and your patients front of mind, and—on the latter point especially—wish to be later seen to have genuinely demonstrated such concerns. But to dismiss it as “fake news” or “conspiracy theory” would be a grave error of judgment.
It may or may not though be too late for your clinic to correct course. Either way, if the scenario as I’ve laid out thus far becomes a reality, then when push comes to shove, a lot of folks are going to be asking many uncomfortable, awkward questions of people within and across the medical and health care profession, health-care officialdom, and the public policy makers. These are likely to begin with: what did doctors and health officials really know, and when they know it?
At this point I’ll leave it to you and your staff to ponder what “what” and “it” is in this instance.
However, in addition to watching the lead video presentation as mentioned (there are others below FYI), the following might give you some indication of the meaning and the significance of the “what”. To wit: Given the clinic’s partnership with Pfizer (as evidenced by your “Pfizer Waiting Room”; see above), and the unambiguous conclusions objective observers will arrive at after watching this presentation, I’d be gravely concerned.
From an ethical, moral, and health services delivery perspective, it’s difficult to see how partnering with this organisation might be viewed in any way, shape or form as a good decision. Like most if not all of the corporations in the pharmaceutical industry, this is an utterly unscrupulous, profit-driven, criminal entity, a point which cannot be disputed and was a matter of public record and public knowledge well before Covid hit. Their first and last priority is to their shareholders, and to no-one else.
Their manipulative, deceptive, corrupt, felonious, and monstrously harmful business and marketing practices, along with their general malfeasance, is well-documented. They’ve individually conspired and/or collectively colluded to repeatedly place profit before people, with all that that implies. In fact, this is BigPharma’s business model. This goes back years and even decades.
This moreover is an industry with no collective understanding of the notion of corporate social responsibility. To the extent they might do so, such a notion would be either anathema to them, or risible, or both. Yet your practice still had no qualms about partnering with these people, presumably doing so not being completely ignorant of their ethically and morally challenged business practices and their ‘repeat offender’ criminal record.
It’s worth noting the following here for the record. The inescapable reality of Pfizer’s reprehensible, unconscionable past lent its CEO Albert Bourla’s tarring of those choosing not to get vaccinated as “criminals” a truly discordant, bizarre note. It showcased a breathtaking arrogance and an indifference to basic human rights principles. This was matched equally by the irony of the statement, said “irony” appearing to be entirely lost on him.
To describe his statement as a profound insult to people’s intelligence might for some people go without saying, but say it we must. In this age of Covid, when so many are seemingly prepared to accept without doubt or question the most ludicrous notions, utterances and premises trotted out by the vested interests to justify the unjustifiable, nothing of this kind should “go without saying”.
For his part Mr Bourla was in doing so, contemptuously dismissive of the hitherto unassailable right to “informed consent”. This alone was hard-core evidence the man has no moral compass as an individual, and no ethical framework as a senior corporate executive and global business leader. As the CEO of Pfizer, we can assume that this is a reflection of the culture of the organisation, if not in fact the industry as a whole.
It’s also worth noting that one of the most outspoken people against the Covid vaccination tyranny is no less than Dr Mike Yeardon, the former Pfizer chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division. Notwithstanding all manner of the narrative ‘gatekeepers’ straining nerve and sinew to discredit the man, his reputation, integrity and his credibility remains intact throughout this debacle, indeed enhanced.
This will be seen to be so even more as events and developments unfold going forward. To illustrate, London based software developer Craig Paardekooper ran a statistical analysis of the VAERS database with his own analytics software. (See below for a link to this presentation.) He found that Pfizer colluded with Moderna and Johnson & Johnson in the roll-out of their respective products. Paardekooper noted the following:
a) the companies were completely aligned when rolling out their toxic batches, with there even being a linear curve in the level of toxic vax in each batch; and
b) the way this rollout was planned to make sure that any (lethal) vaccine injury would look random to the public.
Here’s what Dr Yeardon had to say about Craig Paardekooper‘s analysis: ‘Turning to your discoveries from smart analyses of batches in VAERS, the descending series of batches/adverse (sic) events for the Pfizer vaccine is without doubt the most frightening & disturbing figure I’ve ever seen. Being of this industry, certain patterns have meaning that may not be apparent to others.’
Author Note: See Graph Above: Go to the Link Here for the latest data on Israel, the most vaccinated country in the world. Like your medical centre, it’s exclusive Pfizer territory.
Whether you’re aware of it or not, the official Covid narrative continues to unravel at a rate of knots, a situation which is perhaps more evident and more advanced outside Australia. It is revelations of the kind I’ve chosen to showcase herein that are contributing toward this. And as the narrative becomes ever more unsustainable, the credibility and integrity of those public officials who’ve seen fit to aggressively pursue this agenda is plummeting in the respective courts of public opinion.
(It’s only a matter of time I believe before our own premier here in WA Mr Mark McGowan succumbs to the same fate).
As I write this, the Canadian government for example is in crisis mode wondering how to respond to the unprecedented lockdown imposed on the capital Ottawa by tens of thousands of truck drivers, farmers and hundreds of thousands of supporters protesting the fraudulent, illegal, unconstitutional Covid related mandates. And of course Britain has as of a few weeks back dumped all mandates and compliance requirements regarding the management of Covid. Other countries are following suit as I write this.
The general expectation—even if the mainstream media have all but ignored the developments unfolding there—is that the Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, will also backtrack on these mandates and possibly even resign. It’s certainly difficult to see how he might continue as his political capital is now exhausted. It is also expected the premiers of the respective provinces will follow suit on the first if not both counts. (Again, Mr McGowan and all the other Australian state premiers should take note.)
Whether in Canada, the UK, the US, New Zealand, Europe or elsewhere, these ludicrous edicts have been relentlessly driven by the pharmaceutical industry. As you well know they have had little to do with public health or managing a genuine health crisis. To the extent the virus was ever as serious as we’ve been left to believe (it wasn’t by any measure), they have not been effective in controlling its spread as promised. And the adverse reactions from these highly toxic, experimental concoctions—up to and including death—keep coming.
As I write, one update runs as follows: The US just passed two milestones on VAERS. There’ve been over 1 million adverse events, and over 21,000 deaths, 30% of which occurred on day 0, 1, or 2 following vaccination. The general expectation is that not only is that figure likely to keep rising, the numbers will never fully reveal the true and tragic state of affairs in anything approaching real-time. And that’s just looking at the short-term, more immediately measurable effects of this rollout. Even if the whole vaccination push was halted tomorrow globally, this would still be the case.
The end result of all this then is that those in the medical profession who’ve chosen to align themselves with the agenda of the criminal cartel that is “BigPharma”—and do so unquestioningly and for so long—will find themselves on the wrong side of history. People are starting to wake up to what has been perpetrated in the name of public health with little or nothing to show for it, the impacts of which are also now aggressively being covered up. As are the machinations of those who conspired to bring us this unprecedented catastrophe.
It’s patently clear now that the medical, healthcare and ancillary professions have kept up this charade two years hence despite the countless messages sounding the alarm about the unethical, illegal methods BigPharma used to advance their criminal agenda and to force their highly dangerous products onto people. They—and I should emphasise “they” includes yourself and your colleagues—will not be well positioned to defend their actions, conduct and decisions. That’s putting it mildly. They will all I believe have a lot to answer for. As I pointed out to Dr Cooper, any defence along the lines of “we were just following orders” is not going to fly very well.
By advancing so hastily the Covid vaccination agenda on behalf and at the behest of BigPharma (in your case it would seem, with Pfizer exclusively), you and your team have exposed the practice itself to claims under public liability, and perhaps placed yourselves at risk of professional sanction up to and including deregistration, and possible criminal action, with all that implies.
And far worse still, by buying into that agenda so willingly and without due diligence, you’ve already (I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here and presume unknowingly at this point) seriously harmed and permanently injured—perhaps worse—some of your existing patients. I don’t intend to become one of them.
You can if you like view this letter—which I will as part of my efforts going forward in exposing the Covid agenda and bring about a change in direction, share within my large network as the occasion demands—as having been placed on notice as to all of the above.
Here’s a few key questions to get you all thinking about how you might move forward.
👉 To what extent is the practice senior management making efforts to monitor in practical real time the increasing reports of adverse affects from the various global databases designed to document these reports;
👉 What policies & procedures does the practice have in place to ensure all of its practitioners (incl. health support & ancillary staff) are keeping abreast of all reports of the adverse affects of the Covid vaccines;
👉 What policies and procedures have been enacted by the practice to ensure that all the respective practitioners (incl. health support and ancillary staff) are advising their patients of these adverse affects as they become known.
Greg Maybury.
3 February, 2022
See below for additional supporting information.…
Stat analysis finds Pfizer, Moderna, J&J colluded in the roll out of their “toxic💉batches”. There is a “linear curve in the level of toxic💉in each batch”. The rollout planned so that any (lethal)💉injury looked random to the public.
Additional Links
Here is evidence of the novel (new) nanotechnology that is in these injections that are falsely being called “vaccines”. This is a discussion between a NZ Lawyer and a doctor very concerned about this experiment on humans! It is also known that Pfizer has a patent on this technology.