Europa The Last Battle is the most eye opening historical correction I have watched

Thanks for all your articles et al, I pass them all onwards far and wide.

Keep up the great work, the asleep don't know that they are asleep!

Regards Jamie

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Jamie, Much obliged hombre! Greatly appreciated. Hope this finds you well mon ami. 👍🙏

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Thx Greg, you're a star

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Jamie, 👍🙏 Thx. By way of a ‘backatcha’, I’ll do my best not to let it go to my head. 😉😙😎

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This might be of use. Charles spells it out nicely.

"Here are some insightful excerpts from the article:

"Because spectacle replaces real life with a mere mediated representation of life that cannot be experienced directly, it provides a framework where mass deceptions and lies can consistently and convincingly appear as true.

It has recreated our society without community, and it has obstructed the ability to communicate in general. Such processes and their ramifications ultimately mean people cannot truly experience life for themselves: they have become spectators, bound to an impoverished state of unlife.

In The Society of the Spectacle, Debord explains that the economy subjugating society first presented itself as an 'obvious degradation of being into having,' where human fulfilment was no longer attained through what one was, but instead only through what one had. As society's capitulation to the economy accelerated, the decline from being into having shifted 'from having into appearing.'

With respect to knowledge, therefore, experts no longer have to be experts or have expertise, they only need to take on the appearance of expertise.""

URL here for the article from Charles.


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Thx for the intro to CHS. Nice work. 👍🙏

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Your well written conjectures about the digital tools that global power elites are harnessing to manifest intergenerational dreams of total control are sobering. You challenge the reader on his/her responsibility to human progeny to be alert to a future of feudalism or worse. The statement that BlackRock manages more assets than US, China, & one other economy almost made me fall out of my chair ! I am so upset as I watch my state legislature call a special August election to make Referendums to state laws twice as restrictive. The politicians are enthusiastic about laws OKthat deprive the electorate. Got a light bulb from your article that the underpinning of my perceptions of eroding rights just might be a trickle down from the WEF and other global design groups.

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Becca, I love to hear about those light bulb moments from others as much as I like to experience them myself. Best, GM

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Becca, are there many people you know in your life right now, that are aware of this reality? Most people I know are not even close to thinking our government has nothing but the best intentions for us. I really hope we can do something before all of our perceived freedoms are taken away again permanently..

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My own fervent hope too!

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add me

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Having internalized the points from numerous sources you have cited, this is a refreshing read, or reread, since I try not to miss your posts, Greg. By total coincidence, I just made a synoptic comment regarding the outrageous head of the snake — let’s say millipede — you so articulately put forth here — commenting from my own outraged heart on some trivial post today, before reading your masterpiece not 10 minutes later. Providence. I couldn’t agree more. We really do owe so much to Carroll Quigley. Discovering his Tragedy and Hope changed everything. A major signpost on the way to Gotham City. Many thanks for your consolidation of ongoing current events.

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Great work Greg, thank you

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According to H G Wells it's all for our own good because we are not capable of deciding our own destiny. We need an enlightened over class to do that for us.

And Aldous Huxley mirrored his sentiments:

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."

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Where does Mr Putin fit in this picture?

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Jovanka, Beige below more or less answers this question. I would most def check out Riley Waggaman's Substack...he's got a pretty good handle on all things Mr Putin.


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Putin is a graduate of the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program---the same training school that created Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Scott Morrison, Mark Zuckerberg and other globalist monsters. Putin fully supports Russia's coercive mass Covid "vaccination" program with harmful genetic-manipulation "vaccines" like Sputnik V. Admirers praise Putin as a patriotic nationalist who will save Russia at any cost. Critics say he has compromised himself and Russia to the point where his nation can be dismantled and sold off to Russian and Western oligarchs. See the substack of Riley Waggaman (https://EdwardSlavsquat.substack.com). Riley is an expatriate living in Russia for years and has good insights into the situation.

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Beige, I understand all that you say, and I'm on it. I'm aware of Riley's work, and in due course will have him on my TNT program for a chat. Thanks for you response. See below. Best GM

The No Fly Zone with Greg Maybury (LIVE) on TNT Radio




The No Fly Zone is a weekly one hour live broadcast presented by Greg Maybury on Australia’s TNT Radio. In the spirit of alternative/independent media, Greg seeks via brief op-ed and extended interviews with prominent authors, writers, activists, commentators etc., to explore deeper aspects of the news and unfolding events and developments. Of special interest will be news, views, and themes which the establishment media have declared “No Fly Zones”. Post-interview podcasts are available on the usual platforms.

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Vladimir Putin is not a graduate of the WEF Young Global Leaders program. His name appears nowhere in the lists of the Global Leaders for Tomorrow (1993-2003) or the Young Global Leaders (2005-2023) (http://descarne.esy.es/gltygl). Klaus Schwab is so innured to power by the cooing of the acolytes he has spawned through these two programs who have become national political leaders, that he thinks all global leaders crave his avuncular patronage. Putin once attended a WEF meeting and Klaus turned on his avuncular charm, presuming that by calling him a YGL he would adopt this as a badge of honor. Klaus does this often, and there are many named YGLs who do not appear as graduates of the YGL summer school. It would be naive to think Putin does not understand the role of the WEF in global politics. From Feb 22 last year all Global Shaper hubs in Russia were disappeared from this YGL recruitment pool.

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Des, I quickly clicked on that link above to find that book by Moti Nassani. It looked very interesting. Will check it out. And please stay in touch. My email: gregmaybury@protonmail.com

Look forward to hearing from you. 🙏👍

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Des, Many thanks for this clarification. Although a discussion for another time, I do though have serious reservations about Putin and his response to the COVID Plandemic, the latter being of course the Trojan horse du jour for the WEF for the Great Reset and broader globalist agenda. Edward Slavsquat’s Substack has done good job in chronicling Russia’s part in it all, which is not suggesting he has it all in ‘proper’ perspective. He may or may not. But most definitely worth a look if you have not already done so.

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Glad to hear that.

I woyld rather live under Putin than my not voted for Indian Prime Minister of UK.

"Safe and effective" lying toad.

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To Generate Motion in the masses they have to produce at least 2 claimed/seemingly differing idealogies for people to pick between. When they control the two to the point that they look pretty much the same, and people keep picking between the two thinking they represent something different, they have come far. Pillar and Post. (its what the two towers symbolized, then they destroyed them and put up one world trade center.) Whether or not the globalists unify the world or not doesn't matter if every national government is in collusion with each other against their own nations peoples. And on it goes....

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May 9, 2023
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Hello Noosfera, Not sure what is meant by "this is the opposite of what Matt Ehret describes"? I'm a big fan of Mr E, but this response of your's puzzles me. Perhaps you'd care to enlighten me further. Best, GM

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Thank you, Greg Maybury, spot on. I will be sharing this. I have had difficulty understanding how and when Israel took over our politicians with the Israel Lobby/AIPAC funding most all of them. Add to this the lack of education or interest of the American Public, fed censored truth and Israel Propaganda on every mainstream news venue...we find the perfect means to control our politicians and brainwashed citizenry. With "Antisemite" cries now making laws to stop us from speaking out against Genocide our tax dollars are funding, I have little hope for change or to rescue Innocents in Palestine from the wrath of murdering Zionists. We desperately need journalists to write what steps we can all take to make the Genocide and the buying off of our politicians...stop.

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Karen, Many thanks for the feedback. Yes you’re right. All I can do at this stage is use whatever knowledge and skills I have as a communicator to alter people to issues at hand, and hope they then go on to explore for themselves. I don’t lay claim to having any solutions other than to offer my own perspectives as food for thought. With that said, please circulate my work to whomever you think will respond in kind.

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We saw the oldsters from "The Next Generation" blow the Borg out of the water this year. Never forget that those who seek to master others often ignore the laws of unintended circumstsances because their arrogance rules their lives of fear. Nothing based on arrogance survives for long.

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Gorgo, On that last statement, I truly hope in this instance, it turns out to be correct. Best, GM

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Wow, just seen how long this article is. Image of BIS very 'Tower of Babel' !

Do you listen to Jeffrey Prather who interviews Todd Calender, who knows the legal side of the borgification of humans now. Individuals with no rights.

He runs Vaxxchoice.

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Reading this piece in January 2024 it felt as though a literary psychologist had unloaded the rambling thoughts and impressions from my mind, then collated, polished and edited them into a coherent narrative before popping them back into place. Thank you.

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Hi Greg. I made my way over from the PWOT group.

I like your analysis. "Any delays thus far have been due largely to a variety of political, practical and historical obstacles and a lack of the technological means by which to realise it." Yes, they've been "on the verge" of having the technology for a decade now. They think they have it now. But I'm not so sure.

What the globalist have perfected is marketing. Covid was nothing if not a stunningly successful PR campaign. They are not so advanced in technology as they'd like us to think they are: AI, genetic manipulation, brain interfaces; none of these things are delivering. They keep getting frustrated by the failures of these technologies that were supposed to be here by now. In my Substack, I focus on ridiculing their grand claims and pulling the curtain back on the Wizard of Oz.

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I would point out the current borgification of billions of humans now.

They are going ahead with transhuman experimentation while the masses cant even take in such an idea.

The global grab by pharmatocracy is almost there with the new coming Pandemic Agreement giving criminal Tedros total command of national responses to bioweapons.

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Good summary, but maybe you could tone down the writing in your next installments, with simpler sentences and fewer fancy words. In America we have an average IQ of 68 due to dumbing down, wokeism, and widespread censorship supported by people who for some strange reason call themselves "liberals" (NY Times) and "progressives" (Bernie Sanders). We don't understand words like "modicum" or "Yuval".

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Beige, Again, I'm well aware of the reading age and the average IQ of Americans (and others) due to all the factors you mentioned, and a few more. (I spent ten years in the classroom, so I know where you're coming from.)

But I've also learnt not to talk/write down to folks; my style and approach is what it is. And there's a very fine line between 'toning it down' and 'dumbing it down'. I write for people with a particular mindset; they either get it or they don't, regardless of age/education etc. If all that means less people make the effort, that is not my concern. (I'm too old to change courses now.) But I know some people do appreciate where I'm coming from. 👀➡️ http://poxamerikana.com/testimonials/

As for words like "modicum", well there's always the dictionary; as for "Yuval", that was one of the aims of the exercise: to enlighten people, to pique their curiosity. If you don't know who "Yuval" is, then I suggest you "Google" him. (Hint: He's one of the prime movers behind the "Great Reset", and perhaps one of the most influential people on the planet folks have never heard of).

Finally, I can't lay it all out on a silver platter for readers in bite size pieces. I expect that if they're sufficiently interested, then can -- and should -- make the extra effort, do their own research, and bring something of themselves to the table in understanding what I have to say, and why it's important. You'll remember what you've read better that way.

😉.🙏🏼👍 GM

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Greg, it is globalistas. The feminine ending does not make its designees female, just as communistas are both male and female. The obsession with gender is slowly bleeding into Latin culture, eg with such ciphers as Latinxs, where x can be anywhere on the imaginary gender spectrum. The masculine/feminine grammatical origins of Romance languages follow few rules, just as English has few reliable rules. When someone says "No problemo amigo" they are marking themselves out as dumb gringos. Rule: all nouns ending in -ema are masculine, but not all nouns ending in -o are likewise. La mano is one of 2 nouns in Spanish ending in -o, probably because like la foto, it may be an abbreviation (la fotografia, la maniobra, the work of the hands). Indeed some are, dare I say it, transgender. El arte is masculine, but El Museo de Las Bellas Artes is so much sweeter than la arte on our finely attuned ears, notwithstandin the intervening s in the plural.

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Des, I stand corrected. 🙏👍😉 That said, placing to one side the language I saw fit to use and which appears to have caused you so much angst, given the substance of the article and the implications for our collective future, I would’ve like to have received from your good self a more considered response to my article that transcended the purely pedantic. Put in the vernacular, there are far bigger fish to fry. Now if you have a “more considered response” that chews the meat of the matter and not the gristle (as we like say here Down Under), I’m all ears hombre!

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As always an excellent piece, eloquently executed. I have no argument with any point you made. Removing the sole discordant note was not intended as critical disagreement, much less pedantry.

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Des, Good to hear. The word was intended to be gender non-specific, "globalistas" (now corrected) is a bit of a linguistic affectation, meant slightly tongue in cheek. Oh and by the way, we're mos def on the same page over the gender-bending agenda nonsense. Glad we're good mon ami. Take care. And BTW, feel free to share the article far and wide.

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