🗣 ‘The powers of financial capitalism have one far reaching aim…nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system [is] to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences…
The apex of the system [is] the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)...a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which [are] themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralisation of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.’ — Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (1966)
🗣 ‘Our present condition speaks for itself: The nation [the US] is circling the drain because we have missed the mark. It is we who’ve been deceived by a crafty enemy who knew exactly what they were doing. This must stop.’ — Patrick Wood, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2014)
🗣 ‘Evil can manifest on any…level. The greater the scope of the psychopath's influence, the greater [the] harm done. Thus any group of humans can be infected or "ponerized" by their influence…The most extreme form of such macro-social evil is called "pathocracy.”’ — Andrew Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism. (2022)
🗣 ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves.’ — Genesis 11:4, from The Bible, a novel by God.
Preamble: Along with similar observations [👉🗣] sprinkled throughout this narrative, the sentiments conveyed by the epigraphs portend a future for humanity that should unsettle even the most complacent, credulous and compliant amongst us. Each in its own way will underscore the overarching themes of the exercise; considered in the context of recent events, none should be in any doubt as to the grim legitimacy of their existential foreboding.
This is the first in a series aimed at laying bare the inherent evil of this ‘grand design for global dominion’, foisted as it’s been upon humankind by the most malignant and formidable forces our history thus far has arrayed against us, and—as imperfect as it may be—our whole way of life. Packing a brimful of fire n’ brimstone, Greg Maybury ascends the bully pulpit to rail ‘full monty’ against the perpetual motion power machinery that’s held us in the crosshairs for decades.
— The Great Preset
Even after all this time, the rollout of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset over the past three and a half years under cover of an unparalleled declaration of a global pandemic, is one whose hidden agenda and dire implications only a relatively small group of folks seem to fully appreciate. The epigraph by eminent historian Carroll Quigley from 1966 is but one of many markers of the insidious nature of this long-simmering, conspiratorial gambit.
Moreover, if the Tower of Babel-like ambitions of the ‘globalistos’ come to fruition, to the extent our descendants will be able to reflect on what now passes for the ‘good life’ (i.e. are actually permitted to entertain such nostalgic indulgences), they’ll be left mortified and outraged in equal measure at the ease with which we allowed these ‘eugenocidal’ engineers to redefine, then marginalise us in perpetuity. In particular, it will be the stupidity, ignorance and complacency on our part which allowed it to become a reality that’ll likely rile them most. This has to be one of the big takeaways for us all here.
Taking into account then the premonitory context of the times, and surveying the Zeitgeist from a high-altitude perspective, never has the wisdom in the advice “follow the money” been more compelling. And never has the question “Qui bono?” (i.e. who benefits?) carried with it as much existential import.
🗣 ‘As a matter of practical necessity, “socialist democracy” may eventually turn out to be more of a sham than capitalist democracy ever was…[I]n any case, that “democracy” will not mean increased personal freedom.’ ― Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (1942)
Under the rubric of the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution (the 4IR)—buttressed as it is by the United Nations’ (UN) equally inimical Agenda 2030 and its “Sustainable Development Goals”—the reality is that the overarching objective of the “The Great Preset” (sic) is far greater than the sum of its parts. If its architects—the ‘parasites, psychopaths, and predators that be’—have left any stone unturned in blueprinting this demonically inspired destiny of the bulk of humanity, one is hard pressed to see where it might be so faulted.
In collusion with the UN, along with the central banking criminal cabal, whose head office is the Swiss based Bank for International Settlements (or BIS), the principal remit of the WEF—its raison d'être if one likes—is, and has always been, to facilitate by any and all means possible, this “centralisation of world economic control”. Why? For the very reasons Quigley advanced all those years ago.
By way of underscoring this (and more), [as] Patrick Wood—a trenchant critic of the agendas so mentioned—notes in his aptly titled 2022 book The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism,
‘The effect of the pandemic crisis…has been to demoralize, disrupt, and degrade the general mental, spiritual, and bodily health of individuals throughout the world. Furthermore, it has caused major damage to the global economy, to the global supply chain, and to the global financial system. In sum, the crisis precipitated by the pandemic planners has been nothing short of an all-out war against mankind.’ [Emphasis added.]
Along with being a cruel dissimulation, the WEF’s so named “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a mendacious misnomer. More plot than plan, it’s a bespoke democratic cum humanitarian devolution rather than any “revolution” of the type with which we might normally associate the word.
If Quigley’s prediction hasn’t yet fully come to pass, it’s not been though a lack of ambition upon the part of those whom he identified as the key plotters; we should not be lulled into any false sense of security on this score. Any delays thus far have been due largely to a variety of political, practical and historical obstacles and a lack of the technological means by which to realise it. And in any event, these folks are nothing if not patient. They play the long game.
With the digitalisation of everything though that defines us and makes us ‘warts n’ all’ human, that’s all about to change radically. Says Wood about one of the cornerstone catch-phrases by which the Great Reset is defined:
‘….[I]f “sustainable development” can be represented by a bird, the two wings that allow [it] to fly are the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. Both are tightly aligned at all levels. The UN provides countries with a common legal framework through treaties, agreements, and memorandums of understanding. The WEF meanwhile, steers the global economic community toward fake solutions to imaginary problems—[solutions] that choke off capitalism and provide massive financing of climate reduction goals….”. [Emphasis added.]
— Useful Idiots (In the Harem of True Believers)
We’ll return to these themes throughout and in subsequent instalments. As a segue to the deeper narrative however, it’s worth reflecting on some of the dubious highlights of recent times, those which by any measure can only be deemed deeply disturbing. Though countless examples abound, to underscore this initial salvo it’s enough to say that we’ve tolerated the greatest transfer of wealth (“planetary plunder by stealth” the more apt phrase) in human history, from the slums and tenements of the global economic pyramid to its uppermost apex.
On this score, if history repeats itself, then we need look no further for better examples in support of this hypothesis. Think here precedents such as the Great Depression (1929-39); the OPEC Oil Price Shock (1973); the 1987 Black Monday market crash; the Savings & Loans scandal of the late 80s & 90s; the Asian financial crisis (1997-98); the “Tech Bubble” (aka the “dot-com Crash); and, last but not least, the 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis.
🗣 ‘All forms of tampering with humans…getting at them, shaping them against their will to your own pattern, all thought control, conditioning etc., is a denial of that in men which makes them men, and their values ultimate.’ — Isaiah Berlin.
For those who wish to bring themselves up to speed on how much devastation these miscreants have wrought upon us and on the lives of our forebears, see here for a more complete list of the global banking and finance fraternity’s ‘greatest hits’. Almost all of these crises were manufactured—let’s call them for what they represent: financial or economic false flags—not as some folks would have us believe, accidents of economic history, or the result of unwittingly flawed decision making.
Author Note: This begs the question—Was the counterfeit Covid ‘crisis’ and the prefabbed political response to it about protecting public health, or was it about expanding once again the realm of private and corporate wealth by extorting trillions of dollars from the public purse? This is one of those questions which answers itself, albeit only one of many we all should still be asking in the aftermath.
At some point though in the ‘not too distant’, we have to stop asking such questions (few straight answers are forthcoming in any event), and start acting. The globalists’ determination to dispense with any semblance of transparency and avoid any accountability upon their part has been brought into sharp relief during the pseudo-pandemic. They’ve sought at all points—so far with impressive results—to obscure their anti-human, anti-democratic, technocratic agenda.
In other words then, the divide between what our unelected power castes want to know about us and the degree to which they seek to digitally regiment every nook and cranny of our public and private lives, all the while unencumbered by the rule of law, due process, legislative or regulatory oversight, and/or natural justice, is increasing exponentially.
As is the commensurate “divide” between the financial well-being, wealth and overall economic status—real and potential—of both groups. This is really saying something, given how much these folks have been able to get away thus far and how much we’ve been shafted. Seems for every inch we give ‘em, they go the extra mile!
Much the same applies to the myriad quisling ‘camp followers’ who frock themselves up as our political leaders in the glorified satrapies that pass for our respective, notionally independent, sovereign nation states. All of our own ‘home-baked’ useful idiots have been house-trained to serve and preserve the interests of the pathocracy; their collective goal is subverting our ability and inalienable right to expect from them, much less enforce upon them, accountability for their lies, corruption, betrayals, and general criminal conduct.
And doing so until such time as they’re deemed not so “useful” anymore by their New World Order Organ Grinders! At which point, a new breed will be waiting in the wings eager to take their place. To paraphrase one astute observer of the ‘pathocratic’ milieu, “In the harem of True Believers™️ and Useful Idiots™️, there’s no shortage of folks queuing up to catch the sultan’s wandering eye”.
As we’ve already hinted, whether this sobering reality however is becoming apparent to the ‘critical masses’ is another story; sadly, a still not insignificant segment of humanity seem utterly oblivious to what awaits. To some extent this is understandable: the sheer audacity of the globalist gambit is not an easy thing to grasp for so many of us. It’s also a singular pointer to the sophistication and the power of modern propaganda tools and techniques, to which we’re all susceptible albeit in varying degrees, no matter how on the ball we think we are.
Yet what all of this (and more to come along the same lines) amounts to is complete enslavement of both the digital, physical, bio-chemical, psychological, financial, and broad economic kind. Much has already been achieved herein by relentless, highly sophisticated propaganda, fear-mongering, misinformation and disinformation, psychological manipulation, ideological indoctrination, mind-control and social engineering on the one hand, and draconian restrictions on freedom of speech, and gratuitous censorship and infringements on our privacy on the other. (See here.)
(Author Note: As I write, the crescendo of establishment cries for a complete purge—a no-holds-barred global cancellation if you like—of alt-indie media voices is getting louder by the day. For those who dismiss such a development as unlikely, then think about all the things one deemed “unlikely” before 2020! So there you go ‘pilgrims’. More on this prospect in the next instalment, if in fact I survive this!)
Herein, if it wasn’t apparent for some before 2020, the irredeemably corrupt and elitist establishment media has revealed itself once again for what it truly represents—the real world equivalent of the Ministry of Truth portrayed in Orwell’s 1984. The so named “Fourth Estate” is in reality a “fifth column”, serving much like the political classes only the interests of the elites, all at the expense of the public weal, the common good, and—all things equal—humanity’s inherent promise, and its deserved future.

— Paving the Pathway to Pathocracy
In August 2021, by way of underscoring the material reality of these past years, after first noting that the ‘current situation we find ourselves in is unique in the history of mankind’, German author and financial industry analyst Ernst Wolff offered the following:
‘Never before has the whole world been thrown under the rule of this type of coercive regime as now in our time, and never have so many measures been taken which…seem so unintelligible…so nonsensical, and in many cases so contradictory.’
It’s enough to say that since Wolff penned these words, we’ve seen or heard little that might belie his assessment of our collective situation and circumstance. And again for those who remain oblivious to, or sanguine about, what’s going down, they’re sure to encounter far more in the future that’ll expand the ‘event horizons’ of the “unintelligible”, the “nonsensical”, the “contradictory” etc. into ‘theatres’ of the absurd, the insane, the incomprehensible, and the terrifyingly surreal.
We’ll return to Ernst Wolff and some of his more recent observations shortly. But it’s worth in the interim tabling another cogent reality for the record. As the Quigley epigraph again reveals, such a recalibration of our political economy and meticulous unpicking of the very fabric of our familiar societal milieu—designed as it is to be non-negotiable and irreversible—has been a long time in the making.
Author Note: It’s worth noting that at one time Quigley was something of an official ‘court scribe’ who fell foul of those ‘enthroned’ therein for daring to air their dirty linen in public; this itself was somewhat curious given that he was by most accounts not entirely unsympathetic to the agenda he chronicled. — GM
That being said, that “recalibration” is fast reaching its denouement; one does not need to be the spiritual love child of Cassandra and Jeremiah to foresee where this might all be heading. Indeed, for all but the terminally myopic, daily it becomes ever more apparent this impending reality is unfolding in real time.
Consider well the chatter about an imminent collapse of the international financial system and upending of the broader global economy; with such talk reaching fever pitch, if there’s any light at the end of this particular tunnel, it’s unlikely to instill the sense of optimism normally conveyed by that hoary old platitude. One might see this as very much part of the ‘globalistas’ game plan. Indeed, in seeking to achieve the goals of their end-game, instilling a sense of confusion, hopelessness and futility in the minds of the masses in the face of unfolding events is a critical objective of the exercise.
Meaning: To what extent this speculative chatter is fuelled by a) genuine angst upon the part of those who have some inkling of what’s around the bend and who’ll be most adversely affected by such a catastrophe; or b) predictive programming upon the part of those seeking to conjure into being their own self-fulfilling prophecies, is at this point uncertain, perhaps even academic. 👀
🗣 ‘The market mechanism…created the delusion of economic determinism as a general law for all human society…To attempt to apply economic determinism to all human societies is little short of fantastic.’ — Karl Polanyi (1947)
At all events such an outcome as mooted is not a matter of if but when; for many of us in the know—i.e. those resistant to the random imposts of the paradigm effect—it all represents nothing less than a controlled demolition of contemporary society as we know and experience it today (however imperfect as already noted that “society” might be), all purpose-built so the globalist overlords and their underlings might implement a fait accompli when the time comes their malignant agendas. And this time it will represent a “transfer of wealth” as described earlier, but on a scale that’ll make past economic disenfranchisements look like petty theft.
Author Note: If one is pressed to conjure up a suitable positioning statement in order to shorthand the end-game of these misanthropic lunatics, it might go something like this: “We’re going to have to destroy the world to save it”. Though we shouldn’t expect to see that sentiment appear in their glossy brochures anytime soon. That said, at least one of the Great Reset’s principal architects—a Maurice Strong—was reported as saying: ‘We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse’, thereby in one short sentence ticking all the boxes necessary to qualify as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
As a purportedly remedial measure to redress the consequences of such a bespoke catastrophe (to “build back better” anyone?), further to that much touted “collapse”, (amongst numerous other supranational economic, jurisdictional, bureaucratic, social, technological, political and financial regimes), we’ll have imposed upon us a central bank digital currency (of which more in Part Two), that will relegate cash money as we know it to the status of a relic of the past, a museum artefact.
Put bluntly: Cash money will be dethroned then defenestrated as ‘king’. Along with a digital ID and a Chinese-styled social credit system, the resulting regime alone will render us all residents of a planet-sized panopticon, a not-so-glorified globe-spanning plantation where the harvestable commodity will be what’s left of the hearts, souls, minds and spirits of those remaining in serf-like servitude. Hyperbole? Oh that were the case! If you think it is, you’re simply not paying attention to detail.
🗣‘We're in the middle of the biggest crime in history. It's global. It has the intent of control, removing everybody's freedom, and will involve killing further millions, if not billions of people. It’s long planned.’ — Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former VP, Pfizer
— The Daleks of Davos meet the Borg of Basel
One of the defining historical events which prologued the “Great Preset” was the sub-rosa takeover in 1913 of the US financial and monetary system—under the guise of the establishment of the US Federal Reserve system—by the largely Zionist-controlled global banking and financial cabals. Though much has been written about this truly historical turning point, there’s equally as much if not more ignorance at play even to this day as to its significance. Not unlike then the Great Reset, this gambit was a long time in the planning and endured many delays and setbacks throughout.
Yet, the Fed’s ruthlessly cunning and determined architects (financed by the ubiquitous and iniquitous Rothschild international crime family, about whom more in future episodes), somehow managed to overcome these obstacles and setbacks without ever losing sight of the main game and, importantly, without Americans realising just how much they’d been played. If there’s been a more successful, audacious, consequential, all encompassing, underhanded power play (read: “conspiracy”) aimed at consolidating then further enhancing the control and power these apex predators have exerted globally for centuries over the lives and livelihoods of ordinary people and the very nations of which they are a part, this writer is unaware of such.
(For more on this most consequential of developments, readers are encouraged to seek out Eustace Mullins’ classic expose Secrets of the Federal Reserve.)
That said, the creation of the Fed-Res ‘skunkworks’ was hardly the endgame for these rapacious overlords, though it did mark the beginning of the end of the fabled, hitherto resilient and independent, US republic. As history has shown, many otherwise patriotic Americans high profile and not so, resisted repeated attempts by the predatory, parasitical international banking cartel to impose this tyranny upon what was fast morphing into the greatest economic power house in history, one that on paper at least might have gone on to serve the interests of the rank and file citizenry more so than those of the global overlords. And as history has also shown, in this case “resistance” indeed proved “futile”*. It only delayed the inevitable.
Even now, the story of the Fed is perhaps the most telling warning sign for us all in the here and now that the fabled moneyed powers will stop at nothing to achieve their grand designs, and will terminate with extreme prejudice anyone who might threaten their plans. (In this, the sixtieth anniversary year of the brutal assassination of president John F Kennedy in broad daylight in 1963 by globalist Deep State forces is Exhibit A when it comes to underscoring this premise. Anyone who still genuinely thinks that JFK was murdered by a lone gunman with a dodgy rifle and a single bullet might benefit by having a BOLO call put out on their cognitive faculties. More on this in a separate series.)
(*Sidebar: Star Trek fans will no doubt appreciate the above reference. The recurring “bad guys” in the iconic series—the “Borg”—became a pop culture meme signifying any opposition against which any "resistance is futile", the phrase itself being their standard ‘positioning statement’ cum negotiating gambit. It’s notable that though Herr Klaus Schwab sometimes ‘frocks-up’ like a sad reject from a failed audition with Star Trek casting directors, one can still imagine the estimable WEF honcho letting his ‘Freudian slip’ slip (sic) below the hemline at any point by muttering the Borgs’ immortal refrain. And convincingly so!😉)
And as if to underscore it, a mere five years following Quigley’s prediction (1966), two significant developments took place that considerably advanced the agenda to which he alluded. Leveraging the by then clear economic power America represented and promised, the international banking cartels and their families consolidated further their power and control and propelled the global political economy toward the destination to which we now appear to be heading.
Firstly, the central banker owned and operated US Fed—the bastard spawn of the aforesaid Federal Reserve Act—removed itself from the global gold standard in 1971 during the Richard Nixon administration. In one fell swoop this gambit ushered in the dysfunctional—and in the truest sense of the word, unsustainable—financial and monetary paradigm under which we live and which to all intents, the global political economy now operates. (Of course it needs to be noted that this was far from Nixon’s call; not unlike those hapless Nazis in the Nuremberg docks back in the day and so many of his own Oval Office predecessors and successors, “Tricky Dicky” was just following orders.)
Now a deeper dive into the complexities and intricacies of this momentous decision and its outcomes is one we’ll leave for a later instalment; suffice to say they were from a global perspective seismic in their impact even if the fuller implications were some time coming. If it can be summed up simply, it was: “We just keep printing money, till we run out of paper and ink.”
Secondly, in that same year the organisation that later morphed into the World Economic Forum was inaugurated. Though the WEF might seem to have only come in to public prominence in recent years, the “Daleks of Davos” have been marking out their territory for some time. To be sure though, not quite as long as the iconic cyborg-villains of the Dr Who TV series, from whom I’ve purloined then coined for our purposes herein a suitable sobriquet befitting their true purpose.
Again, not unlike the Star Trek/Borg reference earlier, the “Dalek” imagery is not an entirely gratuitous pop culture reference: When we consider the following as the best descriptor of these enduring (it not quite endearing), fictional bad guys—they were ‘violent, merciless, pitiless aliens, completely absent of any emotion other than hate, who demanded total conformity to their will…bent on the conquest of the universe and the extermination of any other forms of life’—we’re left to ponder if Schwab, Bill Gates, Yuval Noah Harari, Tony Fauci et. al. and their ilk haven’t taken a leaf or three out of the Daleks’ mission statement to advance their misanthropic, neo-Malthusian manifesto. “Exterminate, exterminate” indeed, taking perhaps the “resistance is futile” thing to a whole other level! One gets the picture, even if one’s never seen an episode of the show whose core narrative revolves around the intergalactic adventures of Old Blighty’s most famous time-lord and his long-running battles against the supremely dark forces of the Universe.
🗣 ‘Those who imagine great errors of policy are not repeated in history haven’t learnt its chief lesson—that nothing is ever learnt for long. We are at present in the midst of an experiment in utopian social engineering whose outcome we can know in advance’. — John Gray, False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism (1998)
— The Misanthropist Manifesto (Apologies to Karl Marx)
To the extent anyone was aware of Carroll Quigley’s conclusions and took such forecasts seriously (and in so imbibing their full implications, tried to alert others), they were deemed “conspiracy theorists”. In this instance such folks were doubtless ridiculed mercilessly by those whose preferred disposition is one of blissful ignorance or whose default response to expedient political contrivance is blind faith-based trust in our governmental, bureaucratic, corporate, legislative, academic, media, and judicial institutions.
But the stakes have rarely if ever been so ominous or more existentially unsettling to contemplate. Neither have the means by which to realise these bold ambitions been so readily available, nor the challenges presented by them as formidable for those of us inclined to resist them. These points cannot be overstated.
SIDEBAR: Not unexpectedly, the Covid pandemic and the public health response to it has proven fertile ground for more “conspiracy theories” than one can poke a hypodermic needle at in a month of wet hospital Sundays, almost all of which have proven to be not so theoretical after all. Whether Covid-related or no, such theories morphing into, or being revealed as, bona fide “conspiracies” is a far from infrequent, if seldom officially acknowledged, occurrence. Insofar as this writer can ascertain, history does not record significant examples of prominent individuals belatedly found to have perpetrated or have been neck-deep complicit in the conspiracy in question and/or covered it up, were ever held to account and suffered the legal or reputational consequences of doing so. More’s the pity one might say, as we’re all the poorer for it. So much for fans of karma.
Truth be told, the intergenerational project to which Quigley referred was incubating—albeit under the radar—well before even his time, with many others notable and not so sounding similar alarms. Propelled as this “project” has been by a select few individuals and their mongrel spawn, their inflated sense of superiority, privilege and infallibility being surpassed only by their unerring presumption to know what’s best for the bulk of humanity and the planet we all live on.
The soothing, yet confected, altruism and high-minded rhetoric then that peppers the sentiment of this grand design aside, it’s
a) infinitely more self-serving and Machiavellian in its goals;
b) immeasurably all-encompassing in scale; and
c) terrifyingly more dystopian in scope than its architects would have us all believe.
Further to the above, the following is worth pondering as it should provide ample context and perspective for the road ahead. Upon noting how much ‘[the] financialization and digitalization of the world economy’ has fundamentally altered the global balance of strategic power and the political economy within the past 50 years, in his recently published book World Economic Forum: The Global Shadow Elite, Ernst Wolff observes the following:
‘After Wall Street’s big banks dominated global finance for almost a century, the big asset managers took their place at the start of the millennium. The ten leading companies in this industry [N.B.: the previously cited BlackRock being the biggest], which has only emerged in the last 50 years, managed well over 40 trillion US dollars in mid-2022, roughly as much as the combined GDP of the USA, China and Japan, the world’s three largest economies.’] [Emphasis added].
With all this in mind, it’s time now to do some more math by adding up the sum of the aforesaid parts of these grand agendas, and what they’ll actually amount to should they be realized. If it’s correct to say, as French political philosopher Montesquieu once noted, ‘[C]onstant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go’, then it’s perhaps not mere hyperbole to suggest that at this point in human history, “man” has reached an apotheosis of sorts in the pursuit and acquisition of that power. Put another way, “man” is on a roll.
As for the “abuse” of said power that comes with the authority invested with/in him/her (per M Montesquieu’s dictum), notwithstanding the tangible inroads that’ve already been made in this direction, our “man” is just warming up. All of which is to say, a modicum of critical thinking chops reveals the ostentatiously branded “Great Reset” as a creeping, yet still palpable ‘pathocracy’, a ‘grab-it-all’ Gulag-inspired gambit if one likes.
🗣️ ‘Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.’ — “O’Brien”, “The Bad Guy” in George Orwell’s novel 1984
Let none of us be under any illusion: This plot’s been spawned by the collective psychopathic, narcissistic, and sociopathic ambitions and monomaniacal delusions of economic, criminal, political, industrial, managerial, and financial elite castes. Their principal ‘ideology’ is comprised of their self-regard and self-interest, their Commandment-defying lust for power and acquisition of material wealth, and their ‘beyond born to the manor’ disdain for the rest of humanity. We’re talking here a highly selective, indeed proprietary brand of misanthropy, a descriptor coated with irony when we think of how so many of the globalists past and present have deftly positioned themselves as benevolent, humanitarian icons.
These folks have herein diligently crafted their pseudo-philanthropic (philanthro-pathic?) personas and publicity profiles then leveraged them in order to enrich themselves to an even greater degree at the expense of those they purportedly seek to benefit with their always tax deductible ‘largesse’. When one stops to think about, it is in fact an impressive achievement: To paraphrase English playwright Harold Pinter: ‘It’s a brilliant…highly successful act of hypnosis.’
Never before then have so many folks—so many of whom themselves should’ve known better—been so easily hoodwinked, bamboozled, and shamelessly shafted by so few for so long at so much cost as we’ve witnessed in the past three years. Again, for his part Wolff points to a cogent and disturbing development that has resulted from the accumulation and concentration of private, unaccountable, unelected power by these so-called “asset managers”, for whom the world really is not enough.
The “digital-financial complex” as Wolff calls it, has facilitated a collective corporate conglomeration surpassing anything the world has ever seen in trusts, cartels and monopolies. This has resulted in large corporate entities ascending to the heights of economic power rivalling, and in some cases exceeding, those of the G20 nation states. ‘The impact of this development’ he noted, ‘became apparent in the wake of [Covid] starting in 2020.’ Wolff continued:
‘…Nearly 200 governments, regardless of all other differences and controversies, enacted almost identical measures that brought historic gains to the digital-financial complex. Whether lockdowns, quarantines, homeschooling, home offices, the introduction of QR codes, or the rollback of cash—the beneficiaries of all restrictions were always the digital corporations and the asset managers behind them.’ [Emphasis added.]
Not only did the power of the world-dominating digital-financial cartel become apparent during the Covid crisis, laid bare also was the insidious way in which it exercises this power. It has ‘outsourced a large part of its power’ he says, ‘so that it can remain largely unrecognised in the background and pull the strings undisturbed’. Says Wolff: ‘This has created a network of organisations with which it can exert pressure through a wide variety of channels, disseminate targeted information or [even] misinformation, and manipulate…the economy and society in its interests.’
🗣️ ‘The world must be made safe for democracy’. — POTUS Woodrow Wilson, 1917, from his speech to US Congress, justifying America’s (“The Good Guys”) entry into the war against Germany (“The Bad Guys”) during World War I.
— The Shape of Things to Come and Go
In undertaking initial research for this outing, the working title was “Making the World Safe for Technocracy”. This is of course a play on words, taking a cue—albeit with a suitably ironic twist on the original—from the immortal Great War era propaganda catchphrase “making the world safe for democracy”.
As the more diligent students of the history of modern public relations will recognise, this was the ingenious meme devised by trail-blazing propagandists in 1917 tasked with conjuring consent from hitherto reluctant Americans for their nation’s belated entry into the “War to End all Wars”.
Those same “students” will also know all too well, the then US puppet-president Woodrow Wilson had just been reelected on the promise he’d keep his country “out of the war”. They’ll further recognise that the mechanised military-industrial strength holocaust then tearing Europe asunder was two decades or more in its planning and never had anything remotely to do with fighting tyranny, defending democracy and/or preserving the vestiges of freedom and liberty. (To paraphrase an old Sixties TV crime series end-credit tagline: ‘There’s a million lies in our naked history; this has been but one of them.’)
Other than for what it tells us (then and now) about:
a) the substance of election campaign promises;
b) the power of propaganda carefully ‘abused’;
c) the moral fibre and integrity (i.e. lack thereof) of our political leaders;
d) the complacency, compliance, credulity—and amnesia—of the average voter; and
e) the ease with which the globalist elite classes and moneyed powers are willing to turn the world upside down and inside out to service their maleficent agendas,
…for our purposes here all of that is somewhat beside the point.
Suffice to say, pretty much everything we’ve been told about this war—its causes, its conduct, its goals and its outcomes, to say little of who were the ‘good guys’ and who were the ‘bad guys’—has been elevated to the status of ‘popular’ myth, to all intents unassailable. If this all sounds vaguely familiar, then it should do. (A similar yarn might be told about America’s entry two decades later into “the Good War”; y’know, the sequel to the War to End all Wars.)
Yet for every lie told to sustain and preserve these myths and illusions over generations, there are innumerable more truths and realities that have been ‘memory-holed’ to make damn sure the critical thinking masses (again, then and now), never find out who really instigated this war, how they went about it, and to what end they did so. At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, there are lessons in this for us all, albeit ones we’re unlikely to see featured in any future editions of our history textbooks. Which even if they were, would be too little too late.
In harking back to our choice of title then, in lieu thereof I opted instead for the word “pathocracy”. To be sure, the much touted “technocracy” is still very much in vogue, and would not have been out of place in the lead title. Given the Zeitgest, the words are interchangeable to a large degree, with the parallels and overlap between their respective characteristics all too obvious.
🗣 ‘There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.’ — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 1957.
Yet, per the preamble wherein I set out my stall, the deeper meaning of the latter word (to which we’ll arrive at in the next instalment) seemed to offer a more fitting lens through which to scrutinise the forces of global governance which brought us everything from the “Great War’’ (and well before, truth be told), to the “Great Depression” to the “Great Reset”, said forces it needs be noted being the same ones which contrived so many other epoch-making events, crises and turning points in our history in between. (Less then of a “we should never let a good crisis go to waste”; more a “we should not waste time waiting for an opportune crisis to show up when we have the motive, means and opportunity to ‘bespoke’ one that’ll far better serve our purpose”. “We” get the picture!)
Put differently, the concept (or notion) of a reigning “pathocracy” offered more leeway for exploring such themes in a more complete way. It also enabled one to posit with a greater sense of urgency, realism and clarity the supreme dangers of allowing this nascent totalitarian regime of “full spectrum dominance” to ride roughshod over every ‘humdrum’ facet of our lives.
It’s well enough to know that it’s the “pathocracy” which prefaces the rise to prominence of the “technocracy”, and from there dictates how it will all unfold. Though herein we might readily concede that in a feedback-loop kinda way, it’s the tools and mechanisms of the latter clique and the mindset of its key actors that facilitates the scope, scale, and potential—and eventually, if we allow it to reach a certain point, the unassailability—of the larger ‘pathocratic’ ambition. When seen in this light, technocracy remains the more or less neutral subset of the not so neutral pathocracy.
In our next instalment, as noted we’ll look further into the concepts of technocracy, transhumanism, and survey more widely the “pathway to pathocracy” which the WEF, the WHO and the UN and other ‘built for purpose’ cabals and cliques have been paving for us during the past decades. These include, but are hardly limited to, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Tavistock Institute and others.
As a coda, I should reprise a theme I hope will be one that resonates strongly with readers. This is especially for those folks who’ve thus far not fully appreciated where we’re at and where we’re being herded, yet still feeling something is not quite kosher with how the future appears to be unfolding. If this is the only thing such people takeaway from this outing—and in their own way act on this to the extent they’re capable of doing so—then I’ll consider that a reasonable return on my investment of time and energy.
In short, should the “Grand Design for Global Dominion” as articulated thus far be allowed to go ahead unchallenged, for the vast majority of the people on this planet, nothing good will come from this phoney utopian, technocratically fuelled, socio-economic concoction.
This, after all is said and done, is history’s most audacious, multi-faceted, subversive conspiracy, one driven by the Olympian hubris of an anthrophobic, globalist confederacy. We fail to recognize all of this and/or reject it at our existential peril. And to the detriment of succeeding generations.
To reiterate an important point—one that hopefully again resonates with people who’ve thus far been unmoved by the course of events yet still have hopes and dreams that transcend their own mortal tenure on this planet—to the extent others will have at any future point beyond that “tenure” the wherewithal, the tools or the privilege to reflect on history’s trajectory and ponder how it all prologued their own ‘here and now’ (wherein they’ll belatedly realise just how much it prefigured an eminently foreseeable, yet still avoidable future), our descendants, blood-kin or no, are unlikely to view favourably those amongst us who failed this singular test. Anyone vaguely familiar with the concept of the “memory hole” in Orwell’s novel “1984” will indeed realise that such occasions to reflect on one’s past will be few n’ far between, with any such opportunities taken at great risk to themselves and their then nearest and dearest.
As for our own more immediate forbears, who themselves battled the small and large tyrannies of their time, and made their own sacrifices in the genuine, though as it turned out, misguided belief they were actually fighting for a noble cause, one they were told at the time truly served the interests of their nations and their communities—and did so in order that we ourselves and our very own nearest and dearest would inherit a better, more prosperous and secure world (albeit without any guarantees; there rarely are in such circumstances)—many will likely be spinning in their eternally designated plots of terra firma at what is unfolding now.
We’ll have not just simply squandered our own inheritance; we will have cravenly betrayed what they might’ve reasonably expected all things equal to be an enduring, treasured, and until now perhaps, fiercely safeguarded legacy.
Greg Maybury, 5 May, 2023.
Europa The Last Battle is the most eye opening historical correction I have watched
Thanks for all your articles et al, I pass them all onwards far and wide.
Keep up the great work, the asleep don't know that they are asleep!
Regards Jamie
This might be of use. Charles spells it out nicely.
"Here are some insightful excerpts from the article:
"Because spectacle replaces real life with a mere mediated representation of life that cannot be experienced directly, it provides a framework where mass deceptions and lies can consistently and convincingly appear as true.
It has recreated our society without community, and it has obstructed the ability to communicate in general. Such processes and their ramifications ultimately mean people cannot truly experience life for themselves: they have become spectators, bound to an impoverished state of unlife.
In The Society of the Spectacle, Debord explains that the economy subjugating society first presented itself as an 'obvious degradation of being into having,' where human fulfilment was no longer attained through what one was, but instead only through what one had. As society's capitulation to the economy accelerated, the decline from being into having shifted 'from having into appearing.'
With respect to knowledge, therefore, experts no longer have to be experts or have expertise, they only need to take on the appearance of expertise.""
URL here for the article from Charles.