Thank you Greg. I am currently in Mexico since I got out of California about 2 years ago. In a senior Center where most needs are taken care of. I am now 82 and fairly mobile although I do use a walker so I CAN continue walking. Do not remember if YOU are still in Australia? Might pay to vamanos IF you still can. One Aussie said she CANNOT leave the country. Not sure about changing to a different state? Many here are masked BUT I see noses so not rigid?

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Hi Mary, 🙏 for reaching out. None of those options are available to me for many reasons, not least my family is here. I have to stay in the fight. I’m glad you’re doing Ok. And no, like many countries ours is not the same. Although I sometimes despair of where things are going, I have two beautiful grandchildren who are depending on me keep it together and keep fighting the good fight. Take care my love. Appreciate your thoughts. ❤️👍🙏😎

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Thank you for this great article Greg and for sharing the best truth you can.

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I appreciate all you wrote! It appears you are right,most people Can’t Handle the Truth! I’m an outcast because I will speak out! Possibly people resent their own ignorance & stupidity being realized by themselves when I present the logic, or lack of, what is taking place in USA. I’ve been told people don’t want negativity around them, they want positivity…..I’m positive they are stupid!😂 Actually, I’m feeling I should have been more rebellious & challenging when I was younger (20s on). When my son’s 7th grade Algebra teacher told me about my error due to “new math”! I should have fought back then! Nothing new about math! The numbers haven’t changed. But, instead I accepted that idiotic statement from his school teacher. I worked for government following rules I detested in the Welfare System. I was 17 yrs old with a baby less than a yr old & earned less working than was being “given” to those who wouldn’t work. I had to refrain from speaking my mind to not offend those who I was working & paying taxes helping to provide their free support & earn mine. I don’t believe anyone should go without food, yet I did. I was eligible for Food Stamps & refused. I would get a 2nd job. I was disgusted that an intended “hand up” was a choice of a “handout lifestyle”! I worked, lived on a tight budget & was responsible for myself & child. My child never did without. Unfortunately, my child was blind in one eye. Wore glasses from 6 months old & still does. March of Dimes & The Lions Club were supposedly organizations to help children with birth defects. Not a penny to help a young mother struggling with related medical expenses. Yet, had the audacity to ask me to donate the glasses she had outgrown to them? WTH? I had already learned the lack of help from The American Cancer Society when my father died of pancreatic cancer at 42 yrs old, leaving wife & 4 children behind to struggle & do without because accepting any Welfare assistance was not a part of our self respect. No one told my Mom of assistance available for the $40,000 in med bills, after insurance had paid, from Dad’s “treatment” she was held responsible to pay. She paid full balance by paying something every month for yrs. We learned to survive on what we worked to earn. I refuse to donate to charitable organizations! Why? Because those living handout lifestyle receive benefits from those organizations, along with those who could easily afford the expenses. I saw the Truth. There are the fat cat asses, the working off asses & the sitting on their asses classes! School History books? Hahaha! Written by some blind to the Truth! Just as Justice is blind because it only sees green! These fools think money makes them special? It somehow places them above everyone else? You can’t buy self respect, you can’t buy respect of others but there are people who sell their souls for money. There are those who can’t think for themselves, those who want to be like everyone else. Easily recognized….they are the ones wearing muzzles..excuse me, masks! Stupidity is a plague that has spread around the world. Then, sheep are insulted being compared to human idiots. I’ve hit point of enough is enough. Now time to get serious about this game. The best win is not necessarily by force, but to beat them at their own game using their own rules against them. Know thine enemy. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. People being distracted so as to not see what is happening right under their noses. Works both ways. Too busy distracting, not looking right under their noses. Those silver spoons are in the way. And those who chose handout lifestyle should be informed nothing free in life. You pay for it, you own it. Guess who paid for what & who owns who? Their own choice to sell themselves & their children for years. Beating the system? Who set it up? I imagine you understand how well that info is going to be received? Or is Kipling’s The White Man’s Burden so on target? Hmmm? Things may get real interesting very soon. I like your attitude. We might not be the young & strong, but older, wiser….and slyer? Thanks for making my day! A little humor…when the insolent child used Nicholson’s You Can’t Take the Truth, you might have asked if he was familiar with One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest? Hahahaha!

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Helen---Oh yeah! Oh Hell yess too! I just checked your link and am (as half expected) sorry I'd already enjoyed that particular talk. Thanks for filling me in as to where and why it took place.

So much else to comment on, but I think I'll just further ponder matters for the moment. I chose this backwater Alaskan fishing village 14 years ago for its qualities that are now giving me comfort in a world gone off the rails. I'd intuited that something was coming, something quite unpleasant, and although this plague business came at me sideways, nonetheless I was at least prepared well enough for even this exigency. So far...

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G’day David, Thx for your response. Great to hear from you. Please feel free to circulate and and repost as widely as possible. We’re up against it as you’d be aware, and need to do as much as we can to get the message out there. See below for some additional information. Thought this interview was most illuminating, even though I’ve covered this ground myself before. 😎👍🙏

Folks, Courtesy of Piers Robinson. 👀👇😎 Interviewer: Dan Gregory, Pandemic Podcast

Does it sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by people who’ve been hypnotised in some way? Well, maybe you are.

‘My guest tonight is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell.

Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘#massformation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response — not unlike hypnosis — to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of #fear to which we have all been subjected….’ Watch 👀n’ Listen👂


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