The so-called "elites"—their word, not ours—don't learn any better than the rest of us from history. If they did they'd learn to be satisfied with a villa on the French Riviera, in Martha's Vineyard and a Manhattan penthouse along with their private jets and yachts, and leave world domination to the real crazies. But as the great historian Arnold Toynbee makes plain in his magnum opus A Study of History, the terminal stage of a civilization or empire is always "in the nature of an act of suicide." Witness the UN, WHO and WEF funding the mass migration movements globally in an attempt to fulfill their ideology that "nation states are obsolete" and must be done away with. This is already leading to chaos as armed rival factions within immigrant groups erupt in violence in their adopted countries, and overwhelm civic infrastructure and social support systems.

Of course, the "elites"—let's call them what they are, global parasites—think this will work just fine and dandy as a precursor to offering their "solution" of a One World Government under Technocracy. (The problem/reaction/solution formula.) What they don't seem to understand is that chaos is not a horse anyone can ride, much less tame to one's own ends. Technocrats just can't seem to grasp, with their linear brains, that in Nature, the uncertainty principle rules, or what we might call the X Factor, where X = the unknown, unpredictable, uncontrollable.

Toynbee explains that once the parasite class stops ruling by consent—manufactured or otherwise—because it is bankrupt of innovative responses to novel challenges, it begins to rule by force. And once that starts, expect resistance. It's in the nature of the human animal. A normal human being is pretty forgiving, but once you cross the red line, it's over. The Million Person March in Canada brought together Muslims, Christians, agnostics, atheists, and most importantly parents from all cultures to resist the "woke" indoctrination of their children in school. I suspect this is an example of the X Factor in action, one our supposedly superior governors don't seem to have foreseen. Nor did they foresee the Truckers Convoy and how that became an inspiration for the Dutch farmers' protests. Nor do they seem to have foreseen that even the "normies" have grown so weary of endless booster shots that do nothing but make them sick repeatedly, booster uptake in the US is in the single digits.

So there's hope—and I don't mean the bullshit "hope" peddled by the likes of Obama. I mean hope in Nature at large and human nature in particular. As the Durants said in their magnum opus on history, both humans and history are remarkably predictable. The cycle plays out more or less the same, with variations, over and over again. This in fact may be where the gods and angels really live. Still, as you suggest, and to quote the old aphorism, "eternal vigilance is the price of freedom."

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Sean, A very articulate, and informed response. I concur with you on all points. The broad globalist agenda (as we both clearly understand it), has nothing to do with making the world a better place. They are not planning all this for our individual or collective benefit. Every attempt at creating a utopia has ended badly, as Toynbee and a few others have duly noted. The “Great Reset” is a coup d’état of the global political economy no less on the pretext of creating that utopia. Their cure for the ills—perceived or real—of our 'warts n’ all' world will be far, far worse than any disease. Their “utopia” though will not be our “utopia”. We will not get a look in, much less a seat at the table. It will be a merciless, Godless world. In other words, the Great Reset will be another “Great Leap Forward”, with a far larger body count than Mao and cadre ever achieved.

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Thanks Greg. I'm always impressed with the high level of writing and dialogue that goes on here at Substack. Such a refreshing change from the hell-pits of social media commentary. I only pray that our most pessimistic projections do not occur as you suggest, and that the uncertainty principle will overrun the psychopath class before it's too late. I think we may already be seeing the beginning of this but time will tell.

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Didn't billionaire transhumanist Musk assert just a few year ago that the capitalist class has the right to overthrow any elected government they want. So if you follow that notion to its "logical or illogical" conclusion then it inevitably means that technocratic transhumanist megalomaniacs, especially those who worship the WEF and Agenda 2030 believe they possess an "inalienable right" to control all people and resources on the entire planet. And as such, they can cavalierly eliminate or ruthlessly repress large swaths of the Earth's population in order to achieve this maniacal objective.

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Charlotte, That sounds about right. Was one of the key points on my article. Feel free to share with your network. GM 👍 🙏🏼

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I agree...much easier for these clowns to control cities where people are bunched up than to control the countryside where people are apart. They want centralization of the world where we must push decentralization. The collective must be thwarted at every turn.

The elite have an easy path to destruction since they control much of the power (people and things) and we as the resisting force have a much harder task since we mostly only control our actions as individuals.

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