Another who has worked hard to inform but is censored and shut out is Micheal Yeadon. This is not an interview, rather just him speaking for just under an hour and he deserves recognition. https://rumble.com/vg4inv-michael-yeadon-full-interview-planet-lockdown.html

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G'Day Peggy, 🙏🏼 Grateful for this reminder. Michael Yeardon I was aware of, but I will now edit my piece to name check him accordingly. Please feel free to include in the comments section other folks fighting the good fight, with links where possible. The more the merrier! And other relevant information and resources. Best, ❤️👍😎 G. PS. Spread the love. I'm offering free subs until further notice. There is (time permitting) plenty of content in the pipeline.

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This essay is a wild ride and a good read, too. I am also published at Dissident Voice, and got the "COVID-1984" memo right off the bat, this latest over-dosage or "booster" of the 9/11 virus. My guess with Ms Johnstone is that she's kind of arrogant, as in: "I'm above this mess; let the others waste their ink in the muck..." Kind of like loudly sobbing over the image of a starving kid in Africa on one's TV screen whilst stiff upper-lipping the starving kid down the street. I do get that COVID's a mind-fuck, which is precisely how a PSYOPs is supposed to work, and I think that a lot of "Lefties" have fallen too easily prey to the cognitive-fuckery of it. Also, the fear of losing friends and family who were quickly morphed into "Branch Covidians" by the Shock-and-Awe campaign that brought this New Flu to town, as if they'd all been bitten by a Vampire...

Incidentally, I was able to read this essay courtesy of Springer Lowell, who responded to my DV piece "Who's Afraid of Glenn Greenwald?" (December, 2020), and we've struck up a fun correspondence ever since. Keep up the good writes, and I will be on the outlook for any Greg Maybury pieces appearing on a browser near me. Cheers, Todd

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Todd, Great to hear from you. I will check out that piece you wrote about GG, and am always up for connecting with kindred writerly types. Yes I’m astounded at the failure or unwillingness of many “truth pilgrims” to ‘get’ the Covid agenda. Some of them even come out in support of it. I keep encountering them since I penned that article. Tim Anderson, Russ Baker…are two recent ones that came to my attention. On other matters, you mentioned Dissident Voice. I used to submit (and get published) there regularly but it all became a bit too hard. I became quite frustrated with the lack of timely responses to submission. Long story, won’t go there any further. I’d happily come back on board any time, but only when there’s some assurances of a more prompt response to submissions.

Take care mon ami. We should stay in touch.

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G'day, Greg, and thank you for your gracious reply. I just looked up your March 2018 article @ Dissident Voice "All Fire and Fury in Ukraine," and, well, nothing's changed on that mis-begotten ground, except for the Nuclear saber-rattlings over it today. Wow, what a prescient piece, and I'm only several paragraphs into it--paused reading to write this reply...This Trickster Virus's a weird one, and the Fat Lady just collapsed in the Street, probably of "COVID!" next to a mask...

"Wag the Dog! Come on Tail: You can Wag it!" I'd say about Ukraine, where "Oof, my Ukraineum!" has been my take on that nonsense for a while now. I also don't get immediate publishment @ DV, although I am much less credentialed, as a published writer, than you. You might find my latest DV published piece "The Curious Covid Case of Aaron Rodgers: an Incomplete Pass?" kind of amusing. I am always questioning, so I guess I got the "Socratic Variant," because it all started in Greece, or Palestine, Africa, Fort Detrick, Langley Virginia, or, "Heaven Knows!" Cheers, and more than a "tink" of the glass, Todd

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I applaud you sir.

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G’day David, 🙏. If I may suggest have a read of my response herein to Christopher Brooks, another commenter. The same message applies to your good self m’man. Best, GM.

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📝👉 Essay: The Psychic Dangers of Infected Minds (With a Lie this Large), by Greg Maybury©️Feb. 2021, Rev. May.

#Covid19 #Censorship #BillGates #Propaganda #FakeNews #RFKJr #ExperimentalVaccines #BigPharma #NewNormal

Hello Folks, We live in the Age of Angst, Animus and Anomie. The 'controversy' still rages on all things #Covid. Yet the many scientists, health-care workers and medical professionals—even former pharmaceutical executives and senior staffers—who bravely stand fast against the toxic tide of this new tyranny is clear evidence something is decidedly wrong with the official narrative.

My feature length essay on the subject of Covid posited the notion the real “virus” was of a different, less tangible, far more insidious kind. It’s titled “The Psychic Dangers of Infected Minds (With a Lie this Large).”

Since publishing this in February, the “minds” have become more infected, the lies larger, more frequent, habitual, absurd, contradictory. And more broadly disseminated. With the truth more distorted, fragmented, concealed. And soon perhaps to be punishable by law. That said, the natives are getting restless 😬…

👍🗣 Brief: The emergence in 2020 of the Coronavirus (or Covid-19) and the putative dire implications for us all of its unchecked spread and virulence caught most people on the planet off guard. For a variety of reasons, this development signalled an epochal turning point for the global political economy, for our society and humanity.

Greg Maybury gets ‘up close and personal’ with the pandemic, reflecting more so on the ‘popular delusions and madness of crowds’ attending it, and those purporting to manage the crisis in our best interests. In this context, he offers a more off-piste perspective of the forces driving us to a destination almost certainly will not be to our liking. To the extent they’ll even have the freedom to reflect on such, it will likely leave our descendants wondering how and why we let it get to this point. And in the doing thereof, despairing at our stupidity, ignorance and studied complacency.


Greg Maybury

Pox Amerikana

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Hello Greg, It appears that the "Special Military Operation" that was just a mote in a Spy's eye when last we wrote has metastasized into a full-blown something or other since, say, February 24. Atrocities of the PropagandaVerse have gone Full Metal SNAFU since then. Is Putin the only "rational" card in the House is a question. The Trifecta of Nuland-Blinken-Sullivan, minus a doddering Biden, not so much. My improvised piece "CIA Propaganda Verse: Putin's Ploy in Context," did get a publish at Dissident Voice on March 1, with a couple of others in the "Canadian Truckers Convoy" line, waiting, patiently...Still stuck in Ottawa--with the Memphis Blues Again! Anyway, hope it's OK where you are, random Bob Dylan references be damned! Take care and be well, Todd

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Hi Todd, one never need apologise for stealing Bobby D’s references/quotes! He wouldn’t expect you too, and he weren’t no slouch in doing same! And great to hear from you. You mention Dissident Voice, which I’ve given up on. Sad, as I liked what they do, but became quite tired of having my submissions and followup emails ignored. I let them know I wasn’t impressed, and haven’t heard anything back from Angie since. I’ve since stop submitting work to them and relying on others to get it out there. Anyway, best to you mate! GM

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Hello Greg, and thank you for your reply. We have some "fun" weather blowing in, without answers at the moment: you know, the typical American Midwestern "Tornado Warning!" All "Tornado Warnings!" aside, it appears that the NATOstanis have been taken down in Mariupol, which was on nobody's radar a short while ago, since COVID was all the rage, etc. I'm not a Putin "fan," personally, but it is quite obvious by now that he's a better "Grand Chessboard" player (Bzrezzz) than anyone currently Wax-Museuming it up on the NATOstani side. Peace is apparently the forbidden, and most definitely hidden, fruit. The reality that I see is that most Humans on the Planet are certifiably peaceful most of the time, and Violence is the exception. This could be a "Headline!" in any "Daily" anytime. Under a "yellowing Sun," Cheers! Todd

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Thanks for this perspective. A great read.

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Thanks Christopher. Circulate and repost as you see fit. Subscribe for free (for a limited time), and invite your friends to do like wise. Just a word to the wise. In all the time I have been writing (over 10 years), I have never actively sought any remuneration or financial reward. It's never been a key motivation, and it isn't now. That said, I still have to keep the ship afloat, if you gets my drift. The more traffic I get to this page, the better it works. By being more active on Substack I can hopefully generate enough income, if only to keep me in the poverty stricken lifestyle unto which I've become accustomed (perhaps too much so.)👈🏻😉 It also will provide me more time to produce consistent, quality content. BTW, I take it we're connected on FB?

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Well done Greg. Truly delicious reading. Time to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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CD., 🙏. Tru dat on the last point! Interestingly, the “wheat from the chaff” metaphor is one I at one point was going to use, but for reasons I can’t quite explain it was left on the cutting room floor. Please feel free in any event to circulate as widely as possible.

FYI, Being on SS is a new experiment for me. I do have plenty more content to come herein, both published (from my blog) and unpublished; and as time permits (always a premium commodity), more material that I haven’t even thought of yet much less written. But putting content out there is one thing. Getting it in front of folks who ostensibly have an interest in whatever I’m banging on about is another. This will become increasingly challenging with the draconian censorship measures unfolding to shut dissenting voices down. So, all ‘donations gratefully accepted’ in this regard, if you gets me drift.

V grateful for you taking the time to respond. Best, ♥️👍😎

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I'm a friend of MSM, in contact with him daily. He got a kick out of your essay. If you recall, Greg, the Covid scam was one of Helen's predictions at Sterling.

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Aha, That 👉 "CollDoll"! ❤️🙏🏼😂 Lovely to hear from you. To be sure, getting the nod from MCM is terrific. Please give him my warmest regards. I've long admired the man's work, especially on the Forbidden Bookshelf project, a formative early influence on my (albeit belated) political awakening. His recent views mos' def' had an energising impact on my (somewhat erratic of late) dissident 'muse'.

I'm so glad you reminded me of HB's prediction. I am intermittently in touch with her on Twitter and via email, and I most certainly admire her work very much.

On a different tangent, yourself and Cat will probably find my forthcoming 'opus' on the Z*****t narrative - a long gestating project to be sure - of interest. (I still have the notes from your presentation, which I will be referring to throughout the writing process). Suffice it to say, it's deMillean in scope, with a cast of thousands, in Cinemascope! 😉 It will be coming to a Substack theatre near you (hopefully soon?).

Stay strong, remain righteous! Give my ❤️ to Cat. Best, GM

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